Final Project: 32 Word 8 Bit Register File - ECE 421L 

Authored by Luis Garcia Rivas

November 24, 2021


Final Project Description

For the lab final project I was tasked with designing a Register File that handles 32 words each consisting of 8 bits of data. 

To address all of the 32 words I will have to implement 5 address inputs (2^5 = 32 words). For the 8 bits of data I had to add

8 datalines. The unique thing about the datalines is they would function as inputs and outputs. To control when they're inputs(write)

and when they're outputs(read) I used an nmos with the gate input connected to my R_WI(Read_WriteComplement) control signal

that will connect a voltage source to the dataline if R_WI was set to write and not connect the data source to the dataline if the

gate input was connected set to read mode. With the description of what I was tasked to create out of the way I can now show you

my final project design process, explaination, designs, and simulations

Part 1: Schematics and Design Discussion

For part 1 of the lab I was tasked with creating a working schematic of my 32 word 8 bit register file. As well as explaining all of my

design descions. For my design I decided(along with strong recommendation from Dr.Baker) to break up my RF into modules so that I can 

test each part indivdually and save myself headaches. The design order for my project is SRAM Inverter -> Inverter(12u/6u) -> 1 Bit SRAM Cell

-> NAND5 -> Decoder -> Register File. 

1SRAM Inverter
SRAM Inverter
Why do I have 2 different types of inverters?
The reason behind having to different types of inverters is that for my SRAM Inverter(pictured above) I want to have week inverters so that in the sram cell the cross coupled inverters are quickly chainging values with minimal delay. Thus we can reduce errors in which we sample the data in the cell for reading when it is a non valid logic voltage.
Now that we know the reason for 2 different types of inverters in my design I can now explain the SRAM inverter. As stated above we want to create weak inverters for the cross coupled inverters within our SRAM cell thus I went with minimum width of 1.5u. The schematic above is a basic inverter consisting of a pmos tied to VDD and a nmos tied to gnd with both gate inputs tied to an input A and producing an output of Ai(A inverted).  I believe this design is great for my use case due to the fact that I tackled the biggest issue which is making sure that the inverter is weak. Possible improvements for this design is to find sizing that will be more adaptable to different frequencies. However since we were told not to worry about speed in our design this design should suffice.
SRAM Inverter Symbol
212u/6u Inverter
12u/6u Inverter
As explained above I needed a separate SRAM inverter for the purpose of being weak so that it can be bullied. Thus I have this inverter which is used in the NAND and decoder. Since speed isn't a concern I dedcided to go with 12u/6u inverter since its reliable, thus reducing the possiblities of errors. Improvements could be made in the design to make it more compatible with different frequencies.
12u/6u Inverter Symbol
31 Bit SRAM Cell
My sram cell consists of 2 of the SRAM inverters cross coupled, 2 control NMOS, a rowline input, and 2 Data inputs(complements of each other).  The SRAM cell stores a value and is stored by inverters which is great since it reduces the need to be refreshed however it is volatile thus our data disappears once power is gone. The rowline input is controlled by the row decoder. If we input an address then the appropriate rowline goes HIGH and every bit connected to that rowline has their nmos's turned on. The D input/outputs either sample the data being stored in the the SRAM cell or writes new data to the cell. This again depends on what mode we're in. For my design I dediced to the place the inversion of D data line outside of the sram cell to save my self the trouble of having to instantiate an inverter for each sram bit cell. I itered this sram cell 8 times per word since each word supposed to have 8 bits of data.
SRAM Cell Symbol
4Nand 5
The next module that needed to be designed is a 5 input NAND gate. This is the heart of my row decoder. The 5 input NAND gate takes in 5 inputs which pertain to our 5 bit address and outputs 0 if it is true. For my 5 input NAND gate I dedcided to once again go with 6u NMOS and 12u PMOS to ensure uniformity across my entire design outside of the SRAM bit. With this uniformity I should be able to reduce the amount of errors with timings.
Nand Symbol
5Row Decoder
Row Decoder
My row decoder consists of a 5 input nand gate that takes in all 32 possible address bits then outputs a 32 0 representing a rowline to go high then inverts this 0 to a 1 so that our rowline goes high. For example if I input address bit 00000 then NAND_OUT<1> which is low is fed through the inverter which turns it high and is then fed to the SRAM cells in row 1. All other 32 cases turn out to be high since its a nand gate and are then inverted low thus their cell bits do not turn on. All of the inverters in this schematic are the 12u/6u inverter again for uniformity across my design. As with other modules I would probably improve this circuit by taking into account frequency to make our schematic more compatible with other frequencies. A minor change I would make is to figure out a more concise way of denoting the bus lines so that I don't have 32 possible inputs per NAND gate as shown above.  
Row Decoder Symbol
Row Output Truth Table
Row Output Truth Table
6Register File
Register File Schematic
Finally the register file. The register file is composed all previously discussed modules put together to create my 32 word 8 bit data register file. I instiated 32 8 instances of my sram cell so that each of the 32 words has 8 bits of data to output. Each of the SRAM cells above represent a rowline with 8 cells attached to it. The row decoder outputs the results of my 5 input NAND gate and feeds it to the appropriate row. Thus if we input 10000 all other rows are low except for row 17 which is high and feeds on data from our data lines or feeds data out to our datalines. I have 8 datalines D0-D7 which feed into the appropriate bit for all rowlines. The datalines are also connected to inverters to feed its complement into the D_I input for all bits. With all of the parts attached we now have a functioning register file that allows for the input and output of 8 bits of data accross 32 locations. The R_WI control signal is outside of the register file since otherwise our D lines would only serve as inputs and not outputs due to a source being connected directly to the input.
Register File Symbol

Part 2: Simulations

Simulation 1

Simulation 1

First simulation testing static address, checking only 1 data bit(D7), net2 represents D side of sram cell, net 1 represents D_I side, D side

line is precharged high. R<1> is our rowline for address 00000. D7_Source represents what we want to write to our sram cell when the R_WI

is set to write mode. D7 represents what is currently going through D7 input/output which could be D7_Source or whatever is stored in our

SRAM cell depending on what mode we're in. As we can see that with precharged high sram and read mode our D7 is initially equal to our sram cell however as we pulse to write mode it equals to D7_Source(0V). Since we don't change our D7_Source for the rest of the time our D7 and sram cell are set to 0v.

Simulation 2

Same parameters as previous simulation however testing to see if any differences/errors occur when operating at microseconds.

Simulation 3

Same simulation as previous 2 however operating at nanoseconds to see if errors or differences occur. I can see that there appears to be a more promient delay in my sram cell when writing which could become a problem with a fast enough pulsing data source.

Simulation 2

Simulation 4

For this simulation I'm testing out pulsing address bit. In this case all address are set to 0 except for A4 which is pulusing thus we either write to location 00000(R<1>) or 10000(R<17>). Outside of that all other parameters remain the same as our other simulations. R<1> D7 Sram cells are 1273 and R<17> sram cells are 1290. As we can see we successfully manage to write to both address since you can see that the d side shifts from 5v to 0v after D7_Source(0V) successfully writes it to 0v.

Simulation 5

Same as previous simulation however this time I increased the speed(microseconds) to look for any errors or differences.

Simulation 6

Same as previous simulation but now operating at a faster speed(nanoseconds) as with simulation 1 it becomes appearant that this design will be susceptible to errors at faster speeds since we're able to see the delay for a value to take place in the sram cell. The main problem that arrises is that there is a chance that data doesn't fully settle due to delay and stays at an invalid logic level.

Simulation 3

Simulation 7

For this simulation I'm now testing the pulsing address bit(A4) alongside a pulusing data source. As with the previous case we're writing/reading from either address 00000(R<1>) or 10000(R<17>). We're either inputting 0 or 5V to D7. 1273 represents R<1> and 1290 represents R<17>. net2 represents the D side of the sram cell and net1 represents the D_I side of the sram cell. From the simulation above my design is able to handle changing data inputs. 


For this simulation I set out to test multiple pulsing data sources. In this case D7 & D6 are pulsing. I decided to remove the the address bits to allow for more room in my screenshot. Like previous simulations we're either writing to 00000(R<1>) or 10000(R<17>).  1273 represents R<1> and 1290 represents R<17>. <7> represents 7th instance of my sram cell(D6) and <8> represents 8th instance of my sram cell(D7). As shown above I was able to successfully write to both address with multiple pulsing data sources.

Simulation 9

Read Signal



Simulation 9 3

For this simulation I'm testing pulsing signals for all data inputs all running at different times. I'm only testing writing to a single location so I removed the address bits from the simulation output since they're not changing. Once again net2 is the D side of the sram cell and net1 is the D_I side of the sram cell. From my simulations I can see that all my input bits function and no errors occur when writing with pulsing signals at all data inputs.

Part 3: Layouts

1SRAM Inverter
SRAM Inverter Layout
DRC SRAM Inverter
Extracted SRAM Inverter
LVS SRAM Inverter
Pictured above is my layout for the SRAM Inverter. I designed it so that the height is same as other cells to make it easier for interconnecting the VDDs and GNDs with other components. 
212u/6u Inverter
12u/6u Inverter
12u/6u DRC
Extracted 12u/6u
12u/6u LVS
There isn't much to say right now since laying out these individual parts isn't really a complex task. The layouts changed overtime as I got to the more complex modules in which I needed to move around pieces and mess around with sizing to get the layouts to pass drc.
3SRAM Cell
Layout SRAM Cell
Extracted SRAM Cell
This cell was the layout that I ended switching around alot to be able to fit into DRC rules. It was mostly due to the fact that compared to the NAND gate where it only took in 1 input(Address or complement Address) this cell took in both D and complement D. So I had to mess around with the placement of rowline, D, and DI pins to be able to keep the design concise uniform and within DRC rules.
45 Input NAND Gate
NAND Layout
This design wasn't as bad compared to the SRAM cell since I could use any point of the long poly and metal 1 lines to attach my input to so there wasn't any problem with fitting into DRC rules.
5Row Decoder
Layout Part 1
Layout Part 1
Layout Part 2
Layout part 2
This where the layouts begin to get really complex. For our row decoder we use 2 of our previously created modules the first being our 12u/6u inverter and the second being the NAND gate. The circled part in Layout Part 1 Image represents the inverters that take in our address inputs and create a complement of the inputs. The complements are on metal 2 while the original address bit is on metal 3. I next intiated 32 5 input nand gates to represent all 32 possible address. I connected all the possible address to a nand gate. The nand output is connected into an inverter to produce the actual rowline input for the sram cell. The second layout image represents the last 4 NAND gates.
6Register File
Layout Part 1
Layout Part 1
Layout Part 2
Layout Part 2
For my RF layout I first instantiated my row decoder so that I could get all the R<n> outputs that will be used to turn on the SRAM bit cells. This is the top layer of my layout. Beneath the top layer is my 32 column by 7 row sram cells. Each row represents a dataline with the highest vertically representing D0 and the bottom row representing D7. Thus each singe word is a column. The first layout picture shows the data input being inverted and connected to the first address sram cell. Also shown in the picture the metal 3 layer that connects the row decoder rowline output to the sram cell. The only major thing that I would change about my layout would be flipping my sram connections so that the it would actually be rows instead of columns for each word like it is now other than that I feel that my layout was good.
I throughly enjoyed this lab; it felt like a nice way to reinenforce what've learned in my lab. The lab forced me to use all the concepts that I learned during my time at the lab. I also liked that the lab was open as to allow me to design it myself. The recommendations by Dr.Baker were really helpful not just because He told me the best way to go about designing the RF but also because it allowed me to reflect on my 421 knowledge to understand why the recommendation is the best design to go with. The only thing I would go back to change to improve my design is to put more emphasis on timing as seen in my simulations at higher speeds i.e. nanoseconds delays start to become promient which will only lead to errors. However, since we were told not to worry about speed I'm satisfied with my final design for this class.

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