Lab 2 - ECE 421L 


Authored by Do Le (

2nd of September, 2020


Lab Description

    The purpose of this week's lab is to analyze and design a 10-bit digital to analog 

    converter. The DAC converts a digital binary number to a corresponding analog

    output signal. In the lab, we will design a DAC using n-well resistors.



Starting the prelab:

    The pre-lab served as an introduction to ADC and DAC.

    To start the pre-lab, I downloaded the following ADC and DAC cell

    The lab2 cell can be downloaded on the lab page here.


    I made sure to add "DEFINE lab2 $HOME/CMOSedu/lab2" to the "cds.lib" file.



     Shown here is the schematic and graph for the cell highlighted above.



    I then simulated the schematic, analyzing the input voltage and output voltage on the same graph.



    For the circuit, the voltage Vin is converted to a digital integer stored in the bus B[9:0], by use of the Analog-to-Digital converter seen to the left.
    The digital value is then passed through the Digital-to-Analog converter seen on the right, resulting in a more 'stairstep-like' waveform. This is because
    when the analog value is converted to digital, the data can only take on discrete values.
    When converting an analog voltage value to a digital value, the analog value has to pass a certain amount before the digital value is incremented.
    This value can be determined by the following ratio: (Vdd/2^b), where Vdd is the value of the source of the ADC, and b is the number of bits.
    In our case, the minimum voltage on Vin needed to experience a change in the digital value is (5V/2^10) or 4.88mV.


     The goal of the lab is to design a 10 bit Digital to Analog converter based on the following design.



DAC Design:

    To make the design easier to analyze, I started by making a module that includes a section of the resistor 

    combination. This is done on it's own cell, which I called "Input_Resistors". Shown here is the schematic of the cell.



    In a different cell, I then connected the modules together to create the 10-bit DAC as shown here.


Output Resistance:
    To calculate the output resistance—that is the resistance looking into the DAC from the output—notice
    that resistors of the same value in parallel reduce to a single resistor with half the value. Starting at the bottom
    most resistor, the parallel resistor connected to the B[0] source and the one connected to ground reduce to R.

    The resistor then combines in series with the one just above, and the equivalent resistance is once again 2R. This

    is done iteratively until the network reduces to a single equivalent resistor of value R.



   If the DAC is driving a capacitive load of say, 10pF, the delay (defined as time it takes to reach half the output value in steady state),

    is 0.7RC. 

    We can test this by observing the delay time when the bit B9 is at 5V and the other bits are grounded. In which case Vout is 2.5V in steady state

     (there is a voltage divider in this configuration).

    In our case the delay time will be 0.7(10kΩ)(10pF) = 70ns. It will take 70ns to reach Vin/2/2, or 1.25V (the delay is time to reach half the steady state voltage).

    The delay can be viewed in the simulation here.




Creating a Symbol:
    To save time on creating a symbol, we can copy the "
Ideal_10-bit_DAC", then edit the symbol.
    Right click on the "
Ideal_10-bit_DAC", and click copy. Make sure to check "Copy All Views".
    Here is the symbol I've created with extra ports removed.




    Now we are ready to simulate the operation of our newly created DAC. First, we simulate the output voltage

    with an open as the output. The ADC operates as expected. Here are the results.



    Now we can simulate with a resistive 10kΩ load. We can see that the output voltage is lower than the input.
   This happens because when the load has a low resistance relative to the other resistors, it draws too much current
    and lowers the voltage. In our case, it creates a voltage divider (the output resistance is R=10kΩ, and load is 10kΩ),
    halving the value of the voltage.

    Now we see what happens when the DAC drives a capacitive load. As described earlier, there will be a delay associates

    with the output waveform.





    Finally, we observe what happens when the load is an RC.


MOSFET Switches:

    In a real circuit, the switches in figure 30.14 are implemented using MOSFETs. MOSFETs have an associated resistance.

    When the resistance of the MOSFETs are not small compared to R, the resistance is in series with the 2R resistor conencted

    to each bit. This causes a larger voltage drop, which in the long run lowers the output voltage.





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