Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ryan Castellano

September 9, 2020


Lab description

In this lab, I will be using the layout system in Cadence to recreate the DAC from the previous lab. 


As per the prelab instructions, I finished tutorial 1 starting from screenshot 25 (where we left off in the first lab).  I started by removing the voltage source and adding pins. Then I clicked create symbol which gave me the first symbol and I drew the final one. I simulated the results to make sure it still worked:

With the schematic done, I moved on to the layout. In the first image, I created a PMOS rectangle with length of 56.1 microns and a width of 4.5 microns. This was created by assuming that the average sheet resistance was 800 ohms. Also, MOSIS design process specifies the minimum width is 3.6 microns. So to calculate the resistance, we multiply the average sheet resistance by the quotient of the length and the width. 800 * 56.1/4.5 = 9,973 ohms. 

After creating the rectangle, I added the taps, the metal, and the pins. I then extracted the layout to see the resistance. The result is shown below:


Next, I created the layout for the voltage divider. I instantiated two resistors and connected them together with a metal layer, and then added pins. Then finally I DRCed and LVSed the layout. The results of this are shown below:

For the resistor, I used the 10k ohm from the prelab and copied it into the lab 3 directory. The design process was discussed above. I used the property editor to set the length and width of the resistor. The full length with the caps can be measured with the ruler feature. To make sure that all of the resistors were 100% in parallel, I used the property editor after I instantiated the resistors and set the x-position at the origin. 
I created the DAC by connecting all the resistors in the proper order with metal1. Then I created a circuit schematic to accompany my new DAC. I ran the LVS on these two systems and the results showed that the netlist matched.

I made the layout and the schematic by instatiating a bunch of resistors randomly and then connecting them. The following images show the zoomed out and zoomed in views, followed by the LVS.

My zip file is in the Lab 3 directory.

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