Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Ryan Castellano

August 27, 2020 


In this simple lab exercise, we completed the steps necessary to install and use the university's circuit simulation package and

simulated a very simple voltage divider in Cadence Virtuoso. 


For the prelab, we were asked to request an ECE Cluster account from Dr. Chmaj through email. Here is a screenshot of the email

he sent back to me, and also a picture of Dr. Chmaj, for reference:

We also had to reques a CMOSedu account, which I did:

Main Lab Content 

The main content of this lab just involved setting up Cadence on our personal computers using MobaXTerm and using it to simulate a very simple voltage divider.
The voltage divider circuit I made is seen here:


The simulation resuls are seen here: 


Cadence is a pain to set up and to use. I miss LTSPICE. For future labs, I will be backing up my content by using Google Drive. I uploaded all 

of the figures from this lab to the drive: 

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