Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Author: Jazmine Boloor,


Due Date: September 9



·        Prior to coming to lab make sure you understand how the input voltage, Vin, is related to B[9:0] and Vout


Answer: The input voltage, Vin, is related to B[9:0] as this is the binary representation of it in ten bits (bits 0 to 9) when outputted from the ADC. These bits are then inputted into the DAC, which outputs an amplitude based on its input. So, the larger the input bit (from 0-9), the larger the amplitude of Vout. As the DAC analyzes each bit in time, it outputs a constant height which accounts for the square waveform shown in the lab simulations. This constant amplitude is the analog value of the signal.   




1) To begin this prelab, I first added the command line highlighted below into my cds.lib folder.


 A screenshot of a cell phone

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After adding this, I opened the following schematic shown in the Library manager:


This opened the schematic shown on the left. The snip on the right is the immediate waveform that is given after the ADE is launched, the state is loaded, and the green start button is clicked.  To make the waveform easier to see, I made the traces solid and thick. I also changed the waveform background to white. The output has the square pattern that is expected from a DAC – the amplitude of at each point on the analog input signal corresponds to a digital amplitude value that is shown by Vout.


 A picture containing black, light, night, clock

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2) To further explain how the DAC works, I changed the input voltage and offset to 5mV. The waveform below shows how doing so will result in a considerably smaller number of “steps” in the output when compared to the 2.5V input. This is due to the considerably smaller amplitude change in the input. The way the DAC calculates the height at which it steps is through the LSB, discussed in the next step.




3) To calculate the least significant bit, I changed the input and offset of the sine wave to 2.5mV (which I estimated using the LSB formula shown in the next step). The bottom marker is approximately at zero volts, and the first step occurs at approximately 4.88mV, marked on the waveform. Therefore, 4.88mV is the least significant bit, which is defined as the minimum change in input to see a change in output.


A close up of a map

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The equation shown in figure 30.14 below can also be used to calculate the least significant bit:  , where N is the number of bits (bit 0 to bit 9 make a total of 10 bits), and VDD is our input voltage, shown as 5V.


For the last step in the prelab, I created a backup for the work I did. 



Lab Work: In this lab we will use n-well resistors to implement a 10-bit DAC.


The design is based upon the topology seen in Fig. 30.14, below, in the CMOS book.
The controlling input bits seen below come from the ADC, in other words the inputs to the DAC are the left side of the 2R resistors.


The resistance of the DAC can be found simply by combining parallel and series resistors. The DAC follows a pattern continuously creating two resistors in parallel with the same value and then adding a resistor in series, eventually creating an Req = R. The following image (based on Figure 30.14) shows the main idea of this method pictorially – this pattern is followed all the way up the DAC.


Therefore, the equivalent resistance of the DAC after combining resistors in this manner for 10 bits is R.

The first step that I took in building the 10-bit DAC in Cadence was creating a symbol for circuitry seen at each bit input – two parallel resistors in series with another resistor. To create the symbol, I placed the resistors on the schematic, as shown in the leftmost figure below, and then clicked on Create > Cellview > From Cellview. This allowed me to create the symbol shown in the rightmost photo below.

A close up of a red light

Description automatically generated            A picture containing red, light, sitting, black

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The next step in creating the 10-bit DAC was stacking and connecting 10 of these symbols in the fashion seen in Figure 30.14. The following snips show the schematic and symbol created from this process.

A picture containing black, sitting, orange, light

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The expected time delay can be calculated using the formula , where R is the equivalent resistance (R = 10k) and C is 10pF (given in design requirements). Therefore,


This is then proven correct through the simulation below. The time when the capacitor begins charging is 500ns. The time marked below at approximately half (1.25V) of the maximum voltage (2.5V), shown at 570ns. So, 570ns – 500ns = 70ns – exactly what we were expecting.

A picture containing light, outdoor, black, sitting

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The following images show results under different load conditions.

Note that due to convergence problems, the simulations tolerance options were changed to force convergence.

Under no load:

A picture containing light, sitting, traffic, night

Description automatically generated                    A screenshot of a computer

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Under no load conditions, the digital signal follows the amplitudes of the analog signal. This is to be expected, as the results should closely match those of the ideal DAC (shown in the prelab).

Under a 10k resistive load:

A picture containing light, sitting, night, traffic

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The resistor in this load results in a voltage divider. In this case, we are driving an equivalent resistance of 10k with a load of 10k, causing the digital Vout signal to be half of the analog Vin signal.

Under a 10p capacitive load:

A picture containing light, green, sitting, traffic

Description automatically generated                    A close up of a device

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Under the capacitive load, the delay the output signal shows is due to the 70ns time delay that arises when the capacitor is charging (calculated previously). Additionally, the capacitor smooths the square-like wave in the output, and there is a clear change in the voltage swing - the input goes from 0V-5V while the output goes from approximately 0.95V - 4.1V.

Under a 10k resistive and 10p capacitive load:

A picture containing light, night, sitting, traffic

Description automatically generated                  A close up of a device

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A resistive and capacitive load will still show an output voltage that is approximately half the input from the voltage divider, and there is a slight reduction in the voltage swing, as well as a smoothed and lagging output caused by the capacitor.


If the resistance of the switches is not small compared to R, (ie. if the switches are transistors), the equivalent resistance of the DAC would be different. The series resistances of each bit would be higher, causing an equivalent resistance that is higher than R. A higher resistance will result in a greater voltage drop across the transistor, which would cause a smaller output voltage. This new equivalent resistance would need to be calculated and accounted for in the load of the DAC.


As my last step in this lab, I backed up my files the same way I did in Lab 1. Below shows a backup of the lab work in my google drive:

A screenshot of a cell phone

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This concludes Lab 2.

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