Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Author: Edgar Amalyan
Date:   09/16/2020

This lab focuses on the layout of the 10-bit DAC created in Lab 2.


Note: Click on pictures for larger views.

Tutorial 1
The extracted view my n-well resistor can be seen below. A resistance of 10.03kΩ can be seen.


The layout with the LVS check can be seen below.



Selecting Width and Length of Resistor
The equation, R = Rsquare * (l/w) relates the specifications of our resistor. The Rsquare value used by Cadence for our C5 process can be found by laying out a resistor (following the rules of the process) and observing the resulting resistance. For example, we can use an Rsquare value of 855, which is given in the C5 data sheet. If we want a 10k resistor, using a width of 3.6um, we will need a length of 42.1um. We layout a resistor with these specifications and view the resulting resistance in the extracted view. The resistance that will be seen will not be exactly 10k. This means that the Rsquare value was not exactly 855. If we plug the resulting resistance, the width, and the length we used back into the equation, and solve for Rsquare, we find the a much more accurate value of Rsquare that was used by Cadence. This value is around 819 Ω/square. This will be the value we use.

As stated in Tutorial 1, the minimum width of n-well is 12 lambda, where lambda is 300nm. The minimum width resulted is 3.6um. We will use this value as our width. Note that this width can be increased, to for example 4.5um, just not decreased below 3.6. Our equation becomes 10000 = 819 * (l / 3.6u), so solving for l yields 43.956um. We can divide this by 2 so we have 2 equal halves in our layout for ease of design purposes. To follow the design rules, the length should be a multiple of 0.15um. Creating a ruler automatically snaps the spacing to 0.15um steps. The two closest lengths that are multiples of 0.15 are 21.9 and 22.05. Our value of 43.956 / 2 = 21.978 is closer to 22.05, so we will 22.05 as our length for each half of the resistor. A resistance of 10.03k is acheived as shown in the prelab.

Now that we have completed the DRC of our 10k n-well resistor, we can use it to build our DAC. The DAC is simply ten 1/3 voltage dividers connected together. Each one of these voltage dividers is essentially a 1-bit DAC consisting of three 10k resistors. We have to perform the layout of this circuit. We start by instantiating three of the n-well resistors that we just created the layout for. Note that we should use the layout and not the extracted file when inserting the component. Per the design rules, the resistors should be 5.4um apart from each other in the vertical direction. We make sure that all the resistors line up in the horizontal direction. Now that we have positioned them physically, we can create the pins and connections. We can open the schematic for our DAC to help us remember names and how everything was connected. We can picture every 3 resistors as a group, or a 1-bit DAC. The first resistor has an input of B9. This resistor is connected to the second resistor. The end of the second resistor is Vout and is also connected to the third resistor. The third resistor should be connected to the end of the second resistor in the second group. The first resistor in the second group again has an input that we name B8. This time, we do not need a Vout terminal. Once again, the end of the third resistor in the second group is connected to the second resistor in the third group, and so on. We make sure to draw all the pins and connections in the metal layer. The connections between two adjacent resistors can be created by a simple rectangle. To make our layout look nicer, we can use the create path tool to connect the last resistor in each group to the second resistor of the next group. To discontinue the drawn path, press enter on the keyboard. Now that we have essentially what the entire layout will consist of, we can just copy and paste the resistors and connections until we reach the last resistor of the group that features B0 as the input. The end of the this last resistor simply goes to just one other resistor, which is then terminated to ground. Note that rulers are very helpful in keeping the layout clean and organized, which ultimately makes the entire process more efficient.


Now that our layout is finished, we make sure we pass the DRC. After, we can extract the view, and run the LVS. The LVS will make sure our layout matches the schematic of our 10-bit DAC.


Design Files
Attached here is the zipped directory of lab 3.
Included is the schematics and symbols of the 1-bit and 10-bit DACs, the layout and extracted views of the 10k n-well resistor and 10-bit DAC, and the schematic and simulation state of the ADC+DAC circuit.


As demonstrated in Lab 1, I run ./ from the Cadence server and download the 'Backup' folder containing the compressed archives of my CMOSedu and entire home directories.
All files pertaining to this lab report already exist and are directly edited from another folder that also gets synced.
I run sync_to_gcp.bat from my computer which makes my GCP Storage bucket identical to my local directory.



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