Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Lizz Heider

September 18, 2019




Finish Tutorial 1

(In Tut.1 we created the layout of a resistive voltage divider)

We created a Schematic (Fig1), Symbol(Fig2), a layout (Fig3),
and did a LVS check (Layout VS Schematic)






In LAB 2 we designed and simulated a 10-bit DAC.


In LAB 3 we are using the n-well to layout a 10k resistor (Tutorial 1)

We will use this n-well resistor in the layout of our DAC, then we will verify with LVS that they match.



ð How to select the width and length of the resistor (according to MOSIS):

                              The sheet resistance (Rsquare) of the n-well in the C5 process is 800 Ω

RTOT = Rsquare (L/W)                   Rsqr = 800Ω

L =  

Thus, L = 56.25um        and    W = 4.5um


          Although, Cadence didn’t agree with 56.25 since it is not divisible by .15 – thus changed 56.25 to 56.1.

                                      L = 56.1um  and W = 4.5um


1)   Just as in Tutorial 1 – we created a 10k resistor:


2)  To measure the width and length of the resistor you can use the
ruler (bindkey- k) or you can hit “q” to view the properties of the
dimensions of your resistor.

3)  Using the 10-bit DAC schematic as guidance – layout a DAC:

(shown right) à

-      The x positions are all the same as I lined them all up with the
y-axis marking line, as well as checked with a ruler.


4)  DRC Check







5)  LVS Check (Layout VS Schematic)




noting that ‘lizz_10-bit_dac’ is the schematic of my
10-bit DAC.