Lab 3 – EE 421L
Authored by: Daniel Senda
Fall 2018
Due: 09-19-2018


2) Pre-Lab Description

The first task is to back-up all of the previous work from the lab.

The second task was to finish tutorial 1.
The remaining part of tutorial 1 dealt with creating the layout of a resistor and going through the proper procedures up to running the LVS (layout versus schematic) check to assure that the schematic matched up with the layout.

3) Description of Lab Procedures

The lab instructs students to create a 10k resistor using the n-well. In addition, it has to be created referencing process information from MOSIS. MOSIS is an integrated circuit fabrication service that uses the C5 process, so the resistor was created using the C5 process parameters and guidelines. The sheet resistance of the n-well is roughly 800 ohms. The minimum width of the n-well is 3.6 microns (micro meters). The following formula will be used to select appropriate width and length values.
R = 10 kΩ. Rsquare = 800 Ω. Let W = 3.6 microns. Will solve for the value of L.

The resistor was laid out using the above parameters. Once extracted, the resistor value was off by a few ohms. The length was adjusted manually to get a more precise value. The length that gave the most precise value was L = 54.96
µm. Down below is a snip of the full resistor in the layout editor window.


Zoomed-in layout view:


The resistor went through the DRC (design rule check) and resulted in zero errors. It was then extracted successfully. Zoomed-in extracted view:


Next, the students had to create a layout for the DAC from lab 2 using this 10k resistor. The lab instructions required all of the resistors to be precisely stacked on top of each other with enough space between them to prevent DRC errors. The following picture shows the full DAC layout.


This is a zoomed-in image of the completed DAC layout including the specified 10k resistor, appropriate metal1 routings, and pins.


After it was completed, the layout went through the DRC and resulted in 0 errors.


The DAC layout was then extracted.


Lastly, the DAC design went through the LVS check. The netlists matched as can be seen on the results log.


The cadence library folder for this lab was made into a zip file in order for the grader to examine the student’s work. The zip file can be downloaded from the following link:


Additional Links

Return to listing of lab reports
Daniel’s CMOS homepage
Dr. Baker’s CMOS homepage