Lab 1 – EE 421L
Authored by: Daniel Senda
Fall 2018
Due: 09-05-2018


1) Pre-Lab Description

The tasks that were completed for the prelab section are as follows:
            - Emailed Dr. Baker to get a CMOSedu account in order to be able to upload the lab reports.
            - Reviewed Dr. Baker’s webpage covering the basics of html and how to edit webpages on his CMOSedu website.

2) Introduction

Lab one introduces students to many new procedures and software. For one, it includes the downloading and installing of software. Students also learn to configure the software to facilitate the assignments of the course. Then students run through a tutorial to learn the basics operations of one of the software programs.

3) Description of Lab Procedures

The first procedure consisted of uploading a ncsu folder and creating a CMOSedu folder as seen below.


Next, a library was created in cadence called Tutorial 1.


Afterwards, went into the cds.lib file to reassure that the library was defined.


After the library was create, a cell called R_div was created in the library.


Following tutorial 1 procedures, the following schematic of a voltage divider was created in cadence.


The schematic was then simulated as seen below. The blue line is the input and the red line is the output.
This concludes the first part of the lab.


The second part deals with backups. Backing up files is a very important procedure that can save you from losing all your work. It is good procedure to periodically backup everything you work on.

The following pictures show the Tutorial_1 uploaded to the desktop. The folder was then zipped and. Then, the file was uploaded to a backup flash drive to ensure there are copies of the work in multiple locations.


This concludes all of lab 1.

4) Encountered Problems

A problem was encountered when trying to simulating the voltage divider. When first attempting to do so, it was difficult to create a transient analysis like shown in the tutorial. The reason why this was an issue was because the default simulator was still hspiceD. The simulator was changed to spectre and which resolved the problem.

Additional Links

Return to listing of lab reports
Daniel’s CMOS homepage
Dr. Baker’s CMOS homepage