Lab 08 - EE 421L 

Authored by Matthew Parker, Ting Yu, and Leanna Guevara ,

December 1, 2014 


Lab description: The goal of this lab is to make a layout that is ready for fabrication under the MOSIS c5 process. This is a group project.


Group Members' course directories:

Matthew Parker

Tiny Yu

Leanna Guevara


Devices included in test chip:


    Part I: Layout


    The Schematic is shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1

    In order to LVS, the N+ and P+ resistors must be excluded. They will still be in the layout, but Cadence is unable to identify them (even with R_id).
    Figure 2: Schematic for LVS

    Figure 3 shows layout.
    Figure 3

    Figure 4 shows LVS
    Figure 4


    Part II: Testing


    When fabricated chip comes in the components need to be checked seperately to ensure that the design fuctions properly.


  • PinConnected toReads
    DN5V (VDD)

    PinConnected toReads
    DP5V -> 0V
    GP0V -> 5V

    PinConnected toReads
    Out5V ->0V
    PinConnected toReads
    Measure the resistance between both ends, resistance should be close to what is in the layoutConnect the n well to 5V and then measure the resistance between the remaining pins.
    PinConnected toReads

  • Creating backups


    Dropbox was used to backup all screenshots, project files, and html files. I do so by using the dropbox folder as my active work area to save to, and then dropbox automatically uploads changes to the files.



    The library for this Lab08 can be downloaded from the zip file located in this directory
    Direct download link