Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Authored by Christopher Mikhael,



The objective of this lab is to use Tutorial 1 to help create a layout for the DAC bit created in Lab2.

We will begin this lab by laying out a 10K resistor. To perform this we go to our library manager and create a new cellview. Be sure to change the type of the cell view to layout, to specify what type of file you will be making.

No enter the layout file and select nwell on the left panel. Then go to Create>>shape>>rectangle or use bindkey r. Then drag and create a rectangle on the screen of any size as shown below:

Calculating Resistor Values

We can now edit the demensions of our rectangle. To do this we need to know some of the design rules for the C5 process in MOSIS.

The resistance for a square in mosis is 800 ohms. This value can be used for all simulations. For an indepth look at all the paramaters for Mosis click the following link: MOSIS ami C5

To find the parameters of other processes go to:

Under sheet resistance it will show the ohms/sq for different layers. For Nwell it is 801 ohms/sq which can be approximated to 800.

Now that we know our sheet resistance of the Nwell layer we can start calculating the W and L. This is done using the equation:


So to obtain a 10K resistor we can do the following:


                10K=800(L/W) where L or W can be designated as an arbitrary value to find the other value.

                                     To choose the correct width keep in mind that for N-well it must be larger than 12 lamda.

                                     Since lamda is 300 nm this value is 3.6 microns.

                                     To meet this criteria we will use a length of 56u

                10K=800(56u/W)  therfore W=4.5u

Another issue that arises is that since Length and width are arbitrarily selected they may not snap to grid with the values obtained.

The snap spacing for Cadence is set to .15 microns. So all values used should be divisble by .15 microns and produce a whole number. The value of .15u can be found and verified by creating a marker and ruler to show where the grid snaps.

To verify our values we can take 56/.15 = 373.3

For this example we will round the number up to 374 and multiply by .15 to obtain our new length=56.1

The same is done for width: 4.5/.15=30 therfore the number meets Cadence standards.

To create and center our rectangle in the center we will divide the value the length and width by 2 and place the positive and negative values in the property section of the rectangle (found by pressing q).

Now that we have done the math we can put these values into the window generated when pressing q as seen below:

This layout should be able to DRC at this point. Go to verify>>DRC and press ok when the window is opened. Make sure there are no errors.

Next we will add the metal connections to the ends of the resistor. To perform this press the bindkey i and find the ntap cell shown below. Also add another contact to the rows of contacts so that the contact fits the rectangle created.

This will allow you to put down two square red connectors. To change the look of these connectors press e to open display options. Change the display levels so that they stop at 10. Now adjust the connectors so they match the rectangle. The resistor should look like this:

Now we need to add pins to the layout. To do this we can select metal1 on the left panel. Then go to Create>>pin. Here we need to diplay the name of our pin and we will call it L:

After selecting the pin draw a rectangle around the metal 1 connection and place the name of the connector onto metal 1.

Do the same to the other connector but name it R.

Next select res_id from the left pannel then use the rectangle tool and highlight the body of the resistor without the ntap connectors.
The result should be as follows:

Now we should verify that there are no errors and find the approximate resistance of our layout. First DRC the resistor and make sure it passes all the checks. Then go to verify>> extractor and extract the file. This will create a new file in the cellview of your project. Save and close the layout and then open the extracted version of the layout found in the library manager. Once in the file zoom in to left side of the ntap resistor:

As we can see below our resistor is a 10.21K resistor.

Now that our resistor is finished and saved we can use this in the layout of our DACbit. First go to the library manage and create a new cellview under the DACbit created in lab2. Make the new file a layout. Open this file and press i. Browse for the resistor layout which was just made previously and select it. Place three of these resistors right under each other. It should look like the following:

Next we will create the metal connections between the three resistos to create the voltage divider created in our schematic. To do this select metal1 in the left panel use the bindkey r to create a rectangular shape stretching from one metal node to the the other. Also create an input and output metal connector. The layout should look like this:

Now we will need to add the name of the input and output pins. This is done by selecting create pin and highlight the metal node using the rectangle tool. After all the pins are named the layout should look like the following:

After this is complete DRC the layout to ensure all spacing meet the C5 process requirements.

To LVS the system we will need to first extract the layout  by going to verify>>extractor. After this is performed we can LVS our layout. After pressing Run wait for the LVS to finish, press the output button in the LVS window. This will provide you with a textfile showing all errors. The main error in this lab was mismatching inputs with input/output. So we need to insure that each input types are the same in both the schematic and the layout. To change these types use the bind key q to view properties. Then click on the connectivity tab and choose the correct I/O type.

After the pins are set to match the schematic we can extract and LVS again. This time there should be no errors as shown below:

This concludes the lab. To view the actual layout files click here: