Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Authored by Christopher Mikhael,




First Download which containst the ADC and DAC files

Place this file into the CMOSedu directory and unzip the file

After this is complete we must edit the cds.lib file to include lab 2

Then start Cadance from the CMOS directory using
                   virtuoso &

The Library manager will appear. Go to lab2 and select sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC and select the schematic.

The following schematic will apear:

Then Run the simulator by going to: Launch >> ADE.  Once the ADE is open makesure that the simulator is on spectre.
Then go to: Session >> Load State >> Cellview

The following graph should be obtained:

As you can see the analog smooth signal is sent to the ADC where it becomes a digital signal that is then reconverted into an Analog signal. When the signal enter the DAC the Digital signal is summed together to provide the digitized analgo signal. The square wave shown above is an analog singal with less sampling because a lot of values are lost during ADC.

This is better seen when seperating the two waves:


Analog after Conversion


The least signigican bit can be found by taking VDD and dividing it by 2^(bits). This will show the approximate increase of each step which in this case is 5mV.

The equation is as folows:  Voltage=((Input signal)/(2^(bits)))*VDD

Below B9 is shown compared to the input and output. We can see that this acts as a binary input when the voltage is above/below 2.5 volts the signal acts as a
binary switch turning on/off.

When we look at B8 we see that the on off voltages change to 3 points. The signal chages from on to off at the 1.25V mark 2.5 mark and the 3.75 mark.
For the values B7-B0 the voltages at which the signal switches from the on state to the off state become closer and closer producing the step discrete analog
signal shown above in blue. This pattern continues to repeat until each step is accounted for at B0.


The objective of this lab is get familar with editing schematics and viewing them in different heiarchies and symbol views. This lab deals with an ADC to DAC converter
where we must change the curicuit underneath the DAC to the following:

To perform this we will first create copies of the schematics already provided in Lab 2 so to have a safepoint back for reference. To copy file into the directory of the file manager right click and select copy, then change the name of the file.
We will first copy the Ideal_Dacbit which is the lowest level of the DAC component.

Now open the newly created DACbit file. Delete all contents of this file. We will be creating a voltage divider for the circuit in figure 30.14. We want to make it so that the circuit can be used to create the entire 10bit DAC. So we will have two 10k resistors for one branch of the voltage divider and one 10k resistor. Use the bindkey p to go to the pin creation menu. Enter a name for the pin and select its function. Then place the pin on a branch of the schematic as seen below:

Once the schematic has been created press the check save button and make sure no error occur. After this step we will want to create a symbol for this component. Go to Create >> Cellview >> From Cellview. Then press fix any issues with the direction of the inputs and outputs and press ok. A symbol will apear in a new schematic winod. Here we can edit the symbol to our liking. Once complete save check the file.

After this is complete close both the schematic and symbol being sure to have saved both documents.

Next we will copy the Ideal_10-bit _DAC. In this schematic also delete all the items. Within the schematic press bindkey i and go to the component browser. In the browser find lab 2 in library. Then select the DAC bit which was created earlier. We will need 10 of these components. Once they are placed connect them from top to bottom and connect a 10k resistor and ground on the last DAC Bit. We will then need to place the input and output pins for the schematic. Place a Vout pin (Bindkey p) at the Top of the first DAC bit. Then we will name each DAC in from B9 to B0.


Once this is completed save and check the work and resolve any errors. Since we copied the Cellview we can go into the symbol already premade and eidth  the inputs and outputs to match our schematic. To do this all we have to do is remove the VDD, Vrefp and Vrefm. This helps us create a symbol under the same footprint as the one before.




After saving and checking close out of both the symbol and schematic. Next we will copy sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC and name it sim2_Ideal_ADC_DAC.
Once the schematic is open we can delete the old DAC component and replacing with the new one created. This is added using the component browser and selecting the new Ideal_10-bit_DAC file. When component is successfully placed, select the component and press bindkey x. This should bring you into the 10-bit_DAC schematic. One can also click on the DAC bit and use the x bindkey to view the schematic of the voltage divider. This should be to done to make sure all files are properly placed. To go back use the bindkey b.


To create a simulation go to Launch>>ADE L in the schematic window.
Once in the simulation window. Make sure that the simulation is set to spectre (should be automatic). Then go to Outputs>> To be plotted>> select on schematic. Then go to the schematic and choose the Vin and Vout node. Then create a transient analysis of 1 microsecond by going to Analyses Choose.
One additional step is required for getting schematics to work properly. Go to simulations>> options >> Analog and change the following settings:

Then save as cellview and run:

Simulation with 10K resistor:

Schematic with added 10K resistor


When adding a 10K resistive load the signal lost strength and became half of its original output. As the load increases the singals amplitude will get smaller and smaller. A resistor can be used in this case to control the amplitude of the output signal. Note since no capacitance was provided the signal had no horizontal shifts and the wave remained jagged. The Extra 10k does the following Vin(R/(R+R)) compared to Vin(R/R) which causes the signal to be cut in half.

Simulation with 10p Capacitor:

Schematic with 10p Cap:


Adding a capacitor has two main effects on the signal. The capacitor first off smoothes the signal making it look more like an analog singal. Capacitors are often used to smooth out signals since they act as a bucket which retains the electricity and allows a constant flow to leave as shown above. Another effect the capacitor had on the signal is an obvious phase shift. The Time delay is approximately 76ns from the graphs shown above.

Simulation with 10K Resistor and 10p Capacitor:
Schematic with resistance and capacitance:


When adding the resistor to with the capacitor to the circuit we see that the two previous simulations are almost joined to create the above. The time delay increased from just having the capacitor.

The time delay here is about 101ns. Also we can see the amplitude of the output is smaller than the capacitor only simulation and larger than the resistor only simulation.

Other questions:

Time Delay:
 To find the time delay we use the formula .7RC in which case R=10K and C=10p. Thus the time delay is 70ns which is approximately what is observed in the simulation below which was done by taking the DAC bit and grounding all the inputs except for B9 which is connected to a pulse. For Vout we add a 10pF capacitor.

Schematic of B9 DAC configuration

As we can see the time delay is about 70 ns in the simulation.

Finding Output Resistance:
To find the output resistance we place all the inputs from B9:B0 to GND. Then add the resistors in parallel and series to obtain an output Resistance and Vout which in this case equals R.

Modeling with transistors:
If instead of switches, a transistor were to be used, the resistance on the 2R branch would become larger because of the transistors parasitic resistance. This would cause the output voltage to go down because it is changing the resistance of the voltage divider.

This Concludes the lab to view the output files please view: CM_Lab2