Lab 2 - EE 421L

Design of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

Authored by Henry Chan,

22 September 2014


The first part of this lab aims to reproduce the steps in the prelab to simulate a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter. The next portion involves replacing components in the original schematic with an R,2R resistor pattern and creating a symbol to represent the new design.

Extracting the library into my design directory and modifying the cds.lib file to reflect the addition allowed me to create copies of the example cells for modification. Every cell shown with the prefix "My_" will be altered to create a new DAC using the R,2R resistor design.



Before beginning work on my own design of the DAC, the example simulation was run to verify the function of the schematic.




I also modified the schematic to simulate a different output. This different output shows the limits of the ADC and DAC; that is, it shows that the output of the DAC is limited by the VDD given to the ADC and DAC and can not produce a negative value.



In order to understand the DAC more completely, I sought to know which terminals or pins represented the most significant bit (MSB). I elected to test B9, one of the possibilities for MSB or LSB (least significant bit), arbitrarily. The following image shows the results of my test simulation.


The blue trace represents the B9 pin. It is easily determined that B9 is the MSB because it is only high when the input and output signals are greater than roughly half the amplitude which is how the MSB is defined to behave. From deduction, we can also determine that B0 is the LSB if B9 is the MSB.


Creating  a 10-bit DAC using resistors

Using the following topology as a guide, we will construct the DAC piece by piece incrementally.



We start by creating an individual DAC bit using 10k resistors. This will provide the foundation for the further design. Notice that the ratio of resistors accurately represents the 2R and R represented above.



Further, we will use the symbol of this bit to represent 10 more bits.  


Note the extra resistor at the very end of the chain to stay faithful to the topology.


Using the above schematic, we create another symbol for easier use on a simulation schematic.

The completed DAC design in the simulation schematic.


The below simulation results confirm the DAC works properly and additionally shows the B9 bit confirming the MSB functionality. (Modifications to the voltages to show a varied plot from the tutorial are not shown in the schematic)


Another test simulation verifies the limits of the DAC once again when the input signal to the ADC is much higher than the supplied VDD..



Determining the output resistance



The output resistance can be caluclated by shorting the floating nodes to ground. From the bottom 2R resistors in parallel, we can see their equivalent resistance to be R. This subsequently connects to another R value in series. Following this pattern to the top results in a total equivalent resistance of the topology to be R as confirmed by the lab2tutorial.



Delay, driving a load


I proceeded to test the DAC by determining the output delay. This involved grounding the inputs except for B9, connecting B9 to a pulse, and attempting to drive a 10pF load. The expected output should follow the formula for the delay of an RC circuit: 0.7RC.


0.7RC = td
0.7(10,000)(10 x 10^-12) = td
td = 70 ns
Due to the nature of B9 being the only pin being driven, the output of the DAC is expected to be roughly half of 5V. Furthermore, because we are attempting to find the delay (the point at which the signal reaches 50% of the input), we are testing for when the output voltage is 50% of the output, in this case 1.25V.
With an initial pulse delay of 5ns, our simulated Vout is approximately on the mark and accurate to be 1.25V around 75 ns. This is consistent with our prediction above of a 70ns output delay.
Driving more loads!
Driving a resistor! (10k load).
This will effectively result in the output being divided by 2 as the output resistance of the DAC is R and the load is R as shown in the simulation below.
Driving a capacitor! (10pF Load)
The resulting simulation shows the output being smoothed out while also decreasing the amplitude.

Driving a capacitor and resistor! (10pF and 10k ohms)
The resulting simulation shows the smoothing out of the signal due to the capacitor as well as the voltage division from the resistor.

In real circuits, switches seen in the R,2R topology are implemented with MOSFET transistors. if the resistance of the switches is not small compared to R, the settling time increases and lowers the effective frequency range of the circuit. The higher the resistance of the transistors, the lower the frequencies this DAC design can handle.
Backing up the work!
The following image shows all the work done on this lab safely backed up using Microsoft's OneDrive, a cloud based solution, for keeping my files backed up.

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