EE 420L – Engineering Electronics II Lab – Lab 8 

Authored by James Skelly


Due: April 10, 2019



Lab Description

·        Characterizing MOSFET devices on the CD4007 Transistor Array chip.





  • Review the datasheet for the CD4007.pdf CMOS transistor array.
  • Ensure that you understand how the bodies of the NMOS are tied to pin 7 (VSS, generally the lowest potential in the circuit, say ground) and that the bodies of the PMOS are tied to pin 14 (VDD, generally the highest potential in the circuit, say + 5V). 


             CD4007 Chip



Lab Tasks


In this lab you will characterize the transistors in the CD4007 (not the CD4007UB chip) and generate SPICE Level=1 models. Assume that the MOSFETs will be used in the design of circuits powered by a single +5 V power supply. In other words, don't characterize the devices at higher than +5 V voltages or lower than ground potential.

  • Experimentally generate, for the NMOS device, plots of: 

1.    ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 3 V) with VDS = 3 V 

2.   ID v. VDS (0 < VDS < 5 V) for VGS varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps, and 

3.   ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 5 V) with VDS = 5 V for VSB varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps. 

  • Note that for this last one, if VSS (NMOS body) is ground (again, the Body, VB, is grounded) then the source voltage will be varied from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps to realize VSB ( = VS - VB = VS) varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps. At the same time VGS will be varied from 0 to 3 V (when VS = 0), 1 to 4 V (when VS = 1 V), 2 to 5 V (when VS = 2 V), and 3 to 5 V (when VS = 3 V). In other words, as VS is increased by 1 V the VGS has to shift up by 1 V as well.
  • Assuming that the length of the NMOS is 5 um and its width is 500 um calculate the oxide thickness if Cox (= C'ox*W*L) = 5 pF.
  • From this measured data create a Level = 1 MOSFET model with (only) parameters: VTO, GAMMA, KP, LAMBDA, and TOX.
  • Compare the experimentally measured data above (the 3 plots) to LTspice-generated data (again, 3 plots) and adjust your model accordingly to get better matching.
  • Experimentally, similar to what is seen on the datasheet (AC test circuits seen on page 3 of the datasheet), measure the delay of an inverter using these devices (remember the loading of the scope probe is around 15 pF and there is other stray capacitance, say another 10 pF).
  • Using your model simulate the delay of the inverter and compare to measured results. Adjust your SPICE model to get better matching between the experimental data and the measured data.
  • Repeat the above steps for the PMOS device where VDS, VGS, and VSB are replaced with VSD, VSG, and VBS respectively.





NMOS Device Characteristics


The data that was collected in characterizing the devices can be found here.






Values for calculations were chosen from the data, linked above. ID,sat was chosen for VGS = 3V.


The drain current at the point of saturation for VGS = 3V was estimated to be:

ID,Sat = 565 A


Picking two points on the curve one the device is in saturation, slope can be found:

Slope =  


The channel length modulation parameter (Lambda) can be calculated by:

Lambda =  


Cox, the oxide capacitance, is given by:


To calculate oxide capacitance per area, given W = 500 µm and L = 50 µm:


The oxide thickness can be calculated by:


Eox can be calculated by the following where Er is the relative dielectric constant of silicon dioxide

and E0 is the vacuum dielectric constant:



After calculating the previous two parameters, the oxide thickness can be calculated by:


By inspection, the threshold voltage was found to be roughly

Vthn = 1.75V


The transconductance parameter can be found by:


Finally, Gamma, the body-effect parameter, can be found by:



The table below summarizes the hand calculations above.




0.287 V(1/2)






565 A




The values calculated by hand were used to create level 1 MOSFET models.

Testing the models with hand calculated values led to poor matching. The values seen

below are the values that were selected to achieve the best matching between experimental

and simulation results.




Using the models created, simulation results match experimental results quite well. The following

images demonstrate the matching of the NMOS device simulations to the gathered experimental results.


1.      ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 3 V) with VDS = 3 V


o    Simulating ID v. VGS with fixed VDS allows us to approximate the NMOS threshold voltage by inspection.


Schematic and Breadboard Implementation




Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel





2.      ID v. VDS (0 < VDS < 5 V) for VGS varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps


o    Simulating ID v. VDS with fixed VGS values allows us to approximate the saturation current and saturation drain-to-source voltage of the NMOS. 


Schematic and Breadboard Implementation



Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel



Using the Kiethley 2450 Source Meter to measure IV Curves:

VGS = 1

VGS = 2

VGS = 3

VGS = 4

VGS = 5


3.      ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 5 V) with VDS = 5 V for VSB varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps. 


o    Simulating ID v. VGS with fixed VDS for varying VSB values allows us to approximate the NMOS body effect.


Schematic and Breadboard Implementation





Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel








PMOS Device Characteristics


The data that was collected in characterizing the devices can be found here.






Values for calculations were chosen from the data, linked above. ID,sat was chosen for VSG = 5V.


The drain current at the point of saturation for VGS = 3V was estimated to be:

ID,Sat = 2.4 mA


Picking two points on the curve one the device is in saturation, slope can be found:

Slope =  


The channel length modulation parameter (Lambda) can be calculated by:

 Lambda =  


Cox, the oxide capacitance, is given by:


To calculate oxide capacitance per area, given W = 500 µm and L = 50 µm:


The oxide thickness can be calculated by:


Eox can be calculated by the following where Er is the relative dielectric constant of silicon dioxide

and E0 is the vacuum dielectric constant:



After calculating the previous two parameters, the oxide thickness can be calculated by:


By inspection, the threshold voltage was found to be roughly

Vthp = 1.70 V


The transconductance parameter can be found by:


Finally, Gamma, the body-effect parameter, can be found by:



The table below summarizes the hand calculations above.



1.7 V


0.287 V(1/2)






 2.4 mA


17.25 nm



The values calculated by hand were used to create level 1 MOSFET models.

Testing the models with hand calculated values led to poor matching. The values seen

below are the values that were selected to achieve the best matching between experimental

and simulation results.




Using the models created, simulation results match experimental results quite well. The following

images demonstrate the matching of the PMOS device simulations to the gathered experimental results.



1.      ID v. VSG (0 < VSG < 3 V) with VSD = 3 V


o    Simulating ID v. VSG with fixed VSD allows us to approximate the PMOS threshold voltage by inspection.


Schematic and Breadboard Implementation






Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel






2.      ID v. VSD (0 < VSD < 5 V) for VSG varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps


o    Simulating ID v. VSD with fixed VSG values allows us to approximate the saturation current and saturation source-to-drain voltage of the PMOS. 


Schematic and Breadboard Implementation






Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel





Using the Kiethley 2450 Source Meter to measure IV Curves:

VSG = 1

VSG = 2

VSG = 3

VSG = 4

VSG = 5



3.      ID v. VSG (0 < VSG < 5 V) with VSD = 5 V for VBS varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps. 


o    Simulating ID v. VSG with fixed VSD for varying VBS values allows us to approximate the PMOS body effect.



Schematic and Breadboard Implementation






Simulation Results in LTspice, Experimental Results in Excel








Inverter Using CD4007 Models


To test the models that were created for these transistors, we will compare the delay of the on-chip inverter experimentally

with the delay of an inverter created using the CD4007 MOSFET models. The 30 pF load capacitor is added to simulate the

cable capacitance and scope probe capacitance.



Schematic and Breadboard Implementation





Simulation and Experimental Inverter Waveforms





Simulation of Inverter Delay and Oscilloscope Function to Calculate Inverter Delay Experimentally





The delay through an inverter can be measured by subtracting the time at which the input signal reaches 50% of its maximum value by the

time at which the output signal reaches 50% of its maximum value.





The cursors in LTspice give a delay of 28.7 ns from the input to the output, while the experimental delay is 28.0 ns.

Off by less than 1 nanosecond, we conclude that the spice models generated are remarkably accurate level 1 models.




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