Lab 7 – Design of an Audio Amplifier

EE 420L Analog IC Design

Lab Date: 3/27/19  Due: 4/03/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 4/03/19 at 3:03pm using Word


Lab description:

From the previous lab, we took a look into how we can take small AC voltage signals and amplify them to bigger signals. In this lab, we will be building a practical amplifier; an Audio Amplifier. The requirements of this lab are to use a speaker that is in the range of 8-25Ω, and to use one 10μF Capacitor and one 100μF Capacitor.


For this, we will take a look at the Push-Pull Amplifier:



We will use this amplifier because based off Lab 6, placing a small input signal at the input of the amplifier will scale up our output by a huge factor that is mainly dependent on the Resistance between the gate and drains of both the NMOS and PMOS.


From Lab 6:

I = IN - IP

IN = gmN * Vgs = gmN * (Vin – 0)

IP = gmP * Vsg = gmP * (0 – Vin)

[ Vin – Vout ] / R = [ gmN * Vin ] – [ - gmP *Vin ]

Vout / R = Vin gmN + gmP – 1/R)

Vout / Vin = - [ R * (gmN + gmP) ] + 1 = - [ R * (gmN + gmP) ]



Suppose, we would like to define our own parameters: We will be using an input resistance of 2kΩ (so that we can get most of our AC voltage at the input of the amplifier), a 20kΩ at the gate-drains of the MOSFETs, and inputting an 25Ω speaker.



Since a small resistor is at the output of the amplifier, the output resistance will significantly decrease, meaning our AC output will be pulled even lower to ground and thus, less gain than we anticipated. The DC Biasing will be the same for the last lab, since the capacitors at the amplifier will isolate any DC from both the input and the output of the amplifier.


For the DC Bias Current: (Given Kpp = .145, Kpn = .1233, VTN = 1.824V, VTP = 2.875)


         (1/2)kpn*(VG – VTN)2 = (1/2)kpp*(5-VG-VTP)2

         VG-VTN = sqrt(kpp/kpn)*(5-VG-VTP)       K = sqrt(kpp/kpn) = 1.0844

         VG = K(5 – VTP) + K*VG + VTN

         VG(1 + K) = K(5 – VTP) + VTN

         VG = [ K(5 – VTP) + VTN ] / (1 + K) = [ 1.0844(5 – 2.875) + 1.824 ] / (1 + 1.8044)

      VG = 1.98V

         VGSN = 1.98V,     VSGP = 3.02V


         ID = (1/2)(.1233)*(1.98 – 1.824)2 1.52mA



Now the transconductance (AKA the gm) of the MOSFETs:

GmN = (.1233)*(1.98 – 1.824) = 19.3mA

         GmP = (.145)*(3.02 – 2.875) = 21mA


For the AC gain, it will change since now we will consider the resistance at the output. Our new picture will look like:



Assuming that the RO of the MOSFETs are huge:


Vsg = -Vin, Vgs = +Vin


 [ ( VinVout ) / Rbig ] + gmP*Vsg  = gmN*Vgs + [ Vout / Rspeaker ]

[ ( VinVout ) / Rbig ] - gmP*Vin  = gmN*Vin + [ Vout / Rs ]


Vout [ (1/RBig) - (1/Rs) ] = - Vin [ gmP + gmN – (1/Rbig) ]

Vout / Vin = (-1) | [ gmP + gmN – (1/Rbig) ] / [ (1/RBig) - (1/Rs) ]


Vout / Vin = (-1) | [ 19.3m + 21m – (1/20k) ] / [ (1/20k) - (1/25) ]

Vout / Vin = - 1.01 V/V


Max power from Speaker:

P = V2 / R = 12 / 25 = 40mW




Here is the power inside the speaker from LTSpice:


Power from Mosfet:

Blue is PMOS, Green is NMOS, Red is Speaker.


Now that we have our output, we can test our design:

We will use the circuit shown above.

The output:

Gain = -272mV / V


There is a big issue when it comes to connecting a load to the output.

From the last lab, theoretically, if you place a capacitor at the output and insert a very small resistance (so a wire) to ground, the AC voltage will go down theoretically to 0. As we insert a small speaker, it will bring the original gain of over 1k V/V to around a very small gain. The next approach was to build a current amplifier such as the Source Follower, but doing so will add another capacitor and we will not be within the requirements of the lab.


The Power dissipation of the speaker will be:

P = V2 / R = .2722 / 25 = 2.95mW

We are not really getting the output that we wanted, but we can see that we are outputting what we do hear on the speaker.

The biggest problem was that the MOSFETs were getting hot over a period of time. From LTSpice, we are getting a high wattage inside the PMOS and that was getting very hot. From the datasheet:


The power that is actually through the PMOS is getting to the Max power dissipation. We also lose a lot more power through the PMOS than we do through the speaker. In a future (due to time), we could use some resistors at the sources of the MOSFETs so that the voltage drop is lower between the MOSFETs.



In the end, the output of the Push-Pull Amplifier can theoretically give us a huge gain, but adding a very small resistive speaker at the output will dramatically bring down our gain.


The output resistance at the end will be determined by:

Rout = Resistance of PMOS || Resistance of NMOS || Resistance of Speaker

Rout = Resistance of Speaker.

The speaker will be the dominant part of the gain and this will significantly reduce the output voltage. In a future lab where we can use much more capacitors, we can build the push pull amplifier followed by a Source Follower so that we can have a first stage that amplifies the voltage and a second stage that amplifies the current so that the speaker can work.


Here is a quick video of our results.


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