Lab 5 – Op Amps III

EE 420L Analog IC Design

Lab Date: 2/27/19  Due: 3/13/19

By David Santiago – Email:

Last Edited on 3/10/19 at 3:15pm using Word


Lab description:


The Op-Amp can provide us with an output that will amplify whatever our input is. The kind of amplification can differ with how you build the Closed-Loop gain of the Op-Amp. In the Non-Inverting Op-Amp, we have a positive gain at our output, and in the inverting Op-Amp, we will get a negative gain.


What if, using the Inverting Topology, we wanted to remove the Resistor that is at the Output and the inverting port of the Op-Amp with a capacitor?




Assume that the inverting and non-inverting ports are 0V, the output of the capacitor will be:

                    Vout = , I = [Vin(t) – 0] /R


Whatever our signal will be, the output will be our input voltage scaled by 1/R over time.


In this lab, we will be looking at the Integrator and be calculating its frequency response. We will also be designing our own Integrator and give a specific output on the Oscilloscope.



Experiment 1:

 Before we will do the experiment, we will first calculate the frequency response of the circuit that we will be making:




Lets do some Algebra… Making R1 = Ri, R2 = Rf, ZC1 = 1/(jωC), and Vcm = 0,

                                  Rf ||  ZC1   = [ Rf / (jωC) ] / [ Rf + 1/(jωC) ]

         Parallel Impedance              = Rf / [ 1 + *Rf*C ]


          [Vin – 0 ] / Ri = [ 0 – Vout ] * [ Rf + 1/(*Rf*C) ] / Rf            

NOTE: Last part of Right hand eqn is our Parallel Impedance


         Vout / Vin = Rf / [ Ri * (1 + *Rf*C) ]

         Vout / Vin = (-1) / [ (Ri/Rf) + *Ri*C) ] , Our Frequency Response


         Given Ri = 1kΩ, Rf = 100kΩ, and C = 1uF,

         Vout/Vin =  1 / [(Ri/Rf) + j(ω*Ri*C) ]  

         |Vout/Vin| = 1 = 1 /sqrt([(Ri/Rf)2 + (ωf*Ri*C)2]

                  ([(Ri/Rf)2 + (ωf*Ri*C)2] = 1

                 F = sqrt[1 – (Ri/Rf)2 ] / [ 2πRiC ] = sqrt(1 – (1k/100k)2 ) / [2π1k*1u]

          FUn = 159.2Hz

the angle will be:

         180° - tan-1[wRiC /(Ri/Rf)] = 180 – 89.99999° = approx. +90°


If you wanted to make life less painful, we can exclude R2 (100KΩ) since its impedance will be much greater than the impedance of the Capacitor that R2 will behave like an Open.

So, Our new equation (Assuming Rf = ∞ )

         Vout / Vin = (-1) / [ 0 + *Ri*C) ] , Frequency Response without Rf (or Rbig)


         Angle |Vout/Vin| = 180° (Top is negative) – 90°(bottom j) = +90°

         Unity Gain Frequency:

         |Vout/Vin| = 1 = 1 / [ 2πfUnity*Ri*C ], fUnity = 1 / [ 2π*1k*1μ ] = 159.2 Hz 


Removing the really big resistor made our calculations really nice, however in practice, we need a big resistance there because if we exclude the big resistor, there is a small DC offset voltage located at the Non-inverting Terminal of the Op-Amp. By the Non-Inverting Equation, assuming Rbig = ∞

         Vout = (VOffset) *( 1 + Rbig/Ri)


Our gain will be infinity, meaning our small little DC offset will be amplified, and depending on the polarity of the DC offset, the Output will either Rail to VCC- (or GND) or it will Rail to VCC+ (or VDD = 5V). This is very important to know, especially for the next part of the lab, and this will save a LOT of headaches. Shoutout to J. Skelly


In reality, the 100kΩ resistor does not have an effect at all in our Frequency response. From doing the frequency with and without the 100kΩ, our circuit should have FUN = 159Hz and at 90°. But in practice, we need that Big resistor so that we can suppress the VOffset, which we will talk about later.






As you can see, at 159Hz, we should theoretically get a gain of 1 and 90° phase shift.


Experimental Stuff..

Lets prove our hand calcs…

Using just about the same Resistors and capacitors (Also Vcm = 2.5V):





Looking at this output, we can verify that our phase shift is what we expect: it is 90° from the input and the output.


Experiment 2: Our Integrator


Lets build our very own integrator! From what we learned, we can create a triangle wave from a square wave.


To derive our formuler, we will use our known equation for the Capacitor:

         Change of Vout = (1/C) integral (0 to T/2) { I(t) } dt    Note: We only want half of the period

         Our I will also equal: [Vin(t) – Vcm] / Ri, and placing that current into our integral:

         Change of Vout = (1/Ri*C) * (Vin-Vcm)*(T/2),


And our design problem to solve for R is:


         Ri = |Vin – Vcm|*(T/2) / [ ΔVout * C ]




         Suppose you use a small resistor, like 1kΩ from the first circuit.

         Remember VOffset? So, if our Ri is too small, from the Non-Inverting topology:


Vout = Voffset (1 + Rbig/Ri), if it is too small, our offset will also be amplified and will make the output Rail, and its just as bad as having no Rbig in the circuit


         This is just too hard, what can we do?           

The last thing we can change is our Capacitance to be something small enough so that the Non-Inverting gain will be small enough so that our Offset voltage will be gone.


         Lets choose C = 650pF, and our design requires that ΔVout = 3V at 10kHz (.1ms)

                 Vin = 3Vpp, C=650p, T = .1m

         Solving for Ri = |4V-2.5|*(.05m) / [650p * 3] = 38.3kΩ


         Our VOffset = 10mV from datasheet

Vout = * (1 + 100k/38k) = 36mV (Small to not affect our Output as much)






From LTSpice, we can see that we get our hand-calculated ΔVout from 1V to 4V or change of 3 Volts at the output.


Lets build it!



Oscilloscope output:



Experimentally, our Output looks a lot like our LTSpice output and goes from 1V to 4V (I chose a Vin of 3Vpp so that it would be easier to see our output match our input).

We do have that small error in our bottom Vout, and that could be due to our Output swinging way near Vcc- due to the VOffset (or GND).


So, lets go back to what happens with RBig, if suppose it was too small because we want to get rid of that nasty little Voffset:

         Rbig = 10kΩ



As students, we would say “What the H, Man?? Circuits broken”, but from a logical point of view, if Rbig gets too small, lets say to 0Ω, then our Vcm will short to Vout, meaning that our output will get closer to Vcm with smaller Rbig.


So what if we use a big Rbig, lets say 200kΩ?

         Vout = 10mV (1 + 200/38) = 63mV, 2.5+.063 = 2.56 V, will affect it a bit more



LTSpice:            Note: Max Vcc+ is 5V, Wish I could make an Op-Amp with this, it should clip to ~5V

We will see that nasty little VOffset bug our output, making the output almost want to rail to GND and 5V.


There are trade-offs when it comes to wanting the right signals at the output. If we wanted a smaller input signal, we will be using a smaller Ri, but that would make our circuit sensitive because Ri needs to be big enough so that we don’t see the Offset voltage.

If we wanted to use a big capacitor, we will also be seeing a super small resistance, which means that little Offset voltage will give us a sad output.

Overall, our Offset Voltage, and our limitations of Vcc+/- will affect what we really want at the output. If we used bigger limitations such as a higher Vcc+, we can have more workspace for our output swing.



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