EE 420L Engineering Electronics II - LAB 9


Authored by David Flores


Due: April 24, 2019


Lab Description

Design of a Beta-Multiplier Reference (BMR) using the CD4007 CMOS transistor array




Pre-lab work



Lab Instructions

In this lab you may need to use two, or more, CD4007 chips from the same production lot (see date code on the top of chip) to ensure using a BMR to bias a current mirror is possible. If the CD4007 chips are not from the same production lot they will not "match" so current mirrors will not be possible.


Experiment 0: Prelab

Ltspice schematic Beta Multiplier


Gm equation to solve for  ID:


ID = 180.6nA


Solving for the resistance R:



R = 29.3kΩ


For the prelab we chose a 1Gohm Resistor as our startup circuit this is so that a small current can go through small enough to get the NMOS gate going. This current cannot be to large or it will affect how the BMR operates.


Ltspice Schematic Results BMR

Experimental Results for NMOS and PMOS BMR here we swept VDD from 0-10V with increments of 0.5V




Note: The reason we did it in this order and not in the order instructed was because we messed up our calculations and had to go back and fix our results. So we have Exp.1 NMOS current mirror followed by the NMOS current mirror with PMOS gate-drain loads followed by the NMOS current mirror with PMOS Cascode circuit. Then we will have the Exp.2 PMOS current mirror followed by the PMOS current mirror with NMOS gate-drain loads followed by the  PMOS current mirror with NMOS Cascode circuit.

Experiment 1: NMOS Current Mirrors

For this experiment we made an NMOS current mirror we used the NMOS gate voltage from the BMR to bias the current mirror. We swept VDD from 0-10V with increments of 0.5V and plotted the graphs using MATLAB. We used an IC chip seperate from the BMR but made sure to have the same ground so that it wouldn't vary.


Here we will be using the NMOS current mirror this will drive 2 PMOS's Gate Drain connected we will be measuring the current the same way we did previously.

Finally we will built the Cascode PMOS current mirror. We used the Gate Drain PMOS voltages

Here we can see all the graphs together in one plot

We can see that the blue and purple waveforms closely match each other at least after about 3V I think that we actually had an error at 3V and 2.5V which would match better.


Experiment 2: PMOS Current Mirrors

For this experiment we will be doing the same thing except using the Complementary PMOS instead of the NMOS.

Here we will be using the PMOS current mirror this will drive 2 NMOS's Gate Drain connected we will be measuring the current the same way we did previously.

Here we will build the  PMOS current mirror with NMOS cascode circuit


Here is all the graphs condensed into one plot

We can see that the NMOS cascode current mirror matches the sourc current mirror with Gate-Drain Connected NMOS loads.


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