EE 420L Engineering Electronics II - Lab 5


Authored by David Flores


Due: March 13, 2019


Lab Description

For this lab we are going to solve for the frequency response of a circuit and verify experimentally. We also made a triangle waveform using a square wave input.





Lab Instructions

Again, this lab will utilize the LM324 op-amp (LM324.pdf).

For the following questions and experiments assume VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.


Experiment 1:

·        Does the circuit work if you remove the 100k? Why or why not?

If the 100k resistor is removed the circuit should work, there might be some problems since the Op-Amp is not ideal. It needs that big resistor so that it can pass the offset voltage. The output might clip if the input signal too big.

·        Does the 100k have much of an effect on the frequency response?

The R2 100k resistor does not really affect the frequency it is so bit that it is not really comparable to the smaller 1k resistor R1. The resistor acts like an open or infinite resistance.

Verify your calculations with experimental results.

Oscilloscope results with R2                                                          Oscilloscope results with R2 removed

If we remove the resistor R2 form the circuit, we are removing the DC offset from the output. We can see in the results that CH2 is not in the same position.

Show, at the unity-gain frequency of the integrator, that the input and the output have the same peak values.

We can see above that the waveforms have about the same peak voltages at a 1.3MHz

Ltspice simulation showing same peak values

We can see that the waveforms have about the same amplitudes.


Is the phase shift between the input and the output what you expect? Why or why not?

We calculated the phase shift to be -90 This happens because of the capacitor.

Experiment 2: Triangle Waveform

Next, design, simulate, and build a square-wave to triangle wave generation circuit.  Assume the input/output frequency is 10 kHz and the output ramp must swing from 1 to 4 V centered around 2.5 V.




Show all calculations and discuss the trade-offs (capacitor and resistor values, input peak, min, and average, etc.)

Oscilloscope results of our triangle waveform

We used a smaller capacitor which seemed to give us a better result, but we would need a bigger resistor. There will generally be more noise at these high capacitances with different components.

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