Lab 6: Single-Stage Transistor Amplifiers ECE 420L 

Authored By: Joey Yurgelon


March 17, 2015


Pre-lab Work:

Lab Description:
Lab Requirements:

Experimental Results: 

    Exercise #1: Experimentally determine the input and output resistances of the common-drain amplifiers. Common Drain (CD).

Experimental Input Resist CDExperimental Output R
NMOS75.25kOhm52.46 Ohm
PMOS80kOhm493.4 Ohm

Common Drain Hand Calculations

NMOS/PMOS Common Drain Gains

Common Drain Output Resistance

NMOS Common Drain Experimental Gain < 1x

NMOS CD Experimental Output Resistance

PMOS Common Drain Experimental Gain < 1x

PMOS CD Experimental Output Resistance
  Exercise #2: Experimentally determine the input and output resistances of the common-source amplifiers. Common Source (CS).
 Experiment Input ResistanceExperimental Output Resistance
NMOS69.8kOhm167.7 Ohm
PMOS89.2kOhm758 Ohm

Common Drain Hand Calculations

NMOS/PMOS Common Source Gains

Common Source Output Resistance

NMOS Common Source Experimental Gain 

NMOS CS Experimental Output Resistance

PMOS Common Source Experimental Gain 

PMOS CS Experimental Output Resistance

 Exercise #3: Experimentally determine the input and output resistances of the common-gate amplifiers. Common Gate (CG).
Experimental Input ResistanceExperimental Output Resistance
NMOS354 Ohm267.18 Ohm
PMOS557.1 Ohm602 Ohm

Common Gate Hand Calculations

NMOS/PMOS Common Gate Gains

Common Gate Output Resistance

NMOS Common Gate Experimental Gain 

NMOS CG Experimental Output Resistance

PMOS Common Gate Experimental Gain 

PMOS CG Experimental Output Resistance

Exercise #4: Build and analyze the push-pull amplifier

Push-Pull Hand Calculations

Push-Pull Spice Schematic

Push-Pull Output Resistance

Push-Pull with 100kOhm 

Push-Pull with 510kOhm

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