Lab 2 - EE 420L
Mario Valles
January 23, 2015
Operation of a compensated scope probe
- Show scope waveforms of a 10:1 probe undercompensated, overcompensated, and compensated correctly.
- This process was done by moving the compensator screw in the plug.
- The results were
for the overcompensated the output has higher voltage at the start of
the period, while the undercompensated had lower voltage. compesated
was an expected square wave
- undercompensated
- compensated
- overcompensated
- Comment on where the
type of scope probe (i.e., 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, etc.) is set on your scope
(some scopes detect the type of probe used automatically).
- This scope was set to 10x so it was on 10:1.
- Draft the schematic of
a 10:1 scope probe showing: the 9 MEG resistor, 1 MEG scope input
resistance, capacitance of the cable, scope input capacitance,
and capacitance in the probe tip.
- Here we are using a square wave functions
- Using circuit
analysis, and reasonable/correct values for the capacitances, show
using circuit analysis and alegbra (no approximations), that the
voltage on the input of the scope is 0.1 the voltage on the probe tip.
- Calculation
- Z1 = (R1/(1/jwC2))/(R1+1/jwC2) = R1/(R1C2w + 1)
- Z2 =(R2/(1/jwC2))/(R2+1/jwC2) = R1/(R1C2w + 1)
- Vout/Vin = Z2/(Z1+Z2) = 0.1 V/V
- With the graph we obtained
- Devise an experiment,
using a scope, pulse generator, and a resistor, to measure the
capacitance of a length of cable. Compare your measurement results to
the value you obtain with a capacitance meter. Make sure you show your
hand calculations.
- From the meter we got
- The experiment I used gave the previous results
- calculations
- CT = 1/(jwRtan(x)) =(100k)(105p)(2pi)(tan(0.36)
- CT =414nF
- Build a voltage divider
using two 100k resistors. Apply a 0 to 1 V pulse at 1 MHz to the
divider's input. Measure, and show in your report, the output of the
divider when probing with a cable (having a length greater than or
equal to 3 ft) and then a compensated scope probe. Discuss and explain
the differences.
- The circuit builded was
- The results we got with uncompensated probe was
- With a compensated scope
- Finally, briefly
discuss how you would implement a test point on a printed circuit board
so that a known length of cable could be connected directly to the
board and not load the circuitry on the board.
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