EE 420L - Lab 9
Design of a Beta-Multiplier Reference (BMR) using the CD4007 CMOS transistor array
by Nicholas Moya
April 23rd, 2015
purpose of this lab is to build a beta-multiplier reference circuit
using the CD4007 chip. The BMR circuit is then used to bias a cascode
current mirror which in turn is connected to a load.
Using 4 chips, the following schematic is build:
Although we didn't include it in our schematic, we use a big resistor connected between VDD and Vbiasn as our
start up circuit. This is done because the big resistance, effectively
increases Vbias node to 5V so that it can start up the circuit as VDD
sweeps. Also note that we connect two NMOS's in parallel to
effectively create a single NMOS with double the width. This is of
course our beta multiplier. Using the parameters we measured last lab,
we conduct the following calculations of Vbias voltages, Vcascode
voltages, Vds sat and the (theoretical) max load we could connect to
the circuit and have the circuit supply the same amount of current as
without. Also note that we use the cascode bias circuit for better
matching as matching is hard enough to accomplish in real world chips.
.MODEL N_level1 NMOS LEVEL = 1
+ TOX = 1.13E-14
+ VTO = 0.8
+ GAMMA = 1
+ KP = 9.38E-6
.MODEL P_level1 PMOS LEVEL = 1
+ TOX = 1.13E-14
+ VTO = 0.8
+ GAMMA = 1
+ KP = 4.8E-6
we sweep VDD and test how well our voltages respond. Note that Vr is
the voltage across the 20k Ohm resistor and I is the current through
it. Below, we include Excel plots of each parameter swept from VDD = 0
to VDD = 10.
Current in the Current Mirror
Current in NMOS Cascode Current Mirror
Current in PMOS Cascode Current Mirror
how our circuit responds fairly linearly for our parameters: Vbiasn =
20mV /VDD, Vbiasp = 1v/VDD, Vr = 5mV/VDD, and I = 0.20uA/VDD. We can
attribute this to our relatively good matching given our chip
now compare the simulated results to our actual values measured in lab.
We record our measured values and plot them using Excel.
simulation results are very different from our experimental sketches.
This can be attributed to the fact that it is hard to peform proper
matching with transistor chips even if they are from the same
production date. That being said, our Vbiasn is actually pretty good as
it achieves as relatively linear result, only rising 0.2V from VDD = 2
to VDD = 10. Our simulated results could have been more accurate to our
experimental data if we had used the proper length, width, and lamda
parameters. As such, our length and width are arbitrarily choosen and
lambda isn't included. Doing so could increase the accuracy of our
siluated data and could therefore be used to better model our
parameters and create more accurate experimental results.