Multi-channel readout integrated circuit for long range LiDAR applications





Angsuman Roy (

Gonzalo Arteaga (

David Santiago (

Jason Silic ( 

James Skelly (

Francisco Mata-carlos (

Sachin P Namboodiri (


Chip Orgainization


This design was done in collaboration with employees at Freedom photonics, CA. This chip is designed using Towerjazz’s 180nm SiGe BiCMOS process and occupies an area of 5 mm x 5 mm. The chip was taped out on June 2020 and it comprises the following circuits:


1)   8-channel current mode photon counting circuits

a.    4-channel current mode photon counting circuits (Design and layout by Sachin P Namboodiri)

b.   4-channel current mode photon counting circuits (Design and layout by Gonzalo Arteaga)

2)  8-channel voltage mode photon counting circuits (design by Freedom Photonics, layout by David Santiago @ UNLV, and Freedom Photonics)

3)  16 Low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) transmitter (design by Freedom Photonics, layout by David Santiago @ UNLV, and Freedom Photonics)

4)  Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) circuits for appropriately biasing all modules (design by Freedom Photonics, layout by Jason Silic @ UNLV)


Figure 1. Complete chip layout