More Developed 3-D Designs
3-D Designs
Produced by Daniel Senda


Page Information

·       This page displays more designs created by Daniel. The software used to create the CAD files is FreeCAD. The 3-D printer used is the LulzBot Mini 2.

·       Most of the designs went through some revisions to get more accurate dimensions as required by the application.

Camera Lens Mount for Imager Chip Setup

The following design was created to be used in the Imager chip set up. The protruding ring with seen in the picture was designed to mimic the locking mechanism of a camera. The idea was to glue this mount to the PCB with the Imager chip centered in the middle. A camera lens would then be locked in to place in the mount to complete the setup.
A close up of a device

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TMS PCB Bottom Covers

The TMS circuit is a high voltage PCB. To be able to increase safety when testing these PCBs, Daniel developed bottom covers for each version. The main goal for the design was to help insulate exposed metal with a plastic cover, especially since these are high voltage circuits. The covers were secured to the PCB through screws and nuts on every corner.

TMS V1 bottom cover
A close up of a device

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TMS V2 bottom cover
A close up of a card

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TMS V3 bottom cover
A close up of text on a white background

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TO-16 Cover

The TO-16 is a package used for wire-bonding in Dr. Baker’s research group. Wire-bonded chips are sometimes sealed with epoxy to secure the wiring bonding in place. At other times, the wire-bonded chips are required to be left unsealed but are vulnerable, so they need to be covered. Therefore, the need for a custom cover arose. The following pictures show a simple TO-16 cover designed by Daniel. It was designed to fit snug and has a mini knob for easy handling.

Top View
A close up of a device

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Bottom view
A picture containing light, plane, air

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