420L Engineering Electronics II Lab - Lab 5
III, the op-amp integrator
this lab will utilize the LM324 op-amp (LM324.pdf).
the following questions and experiments assume VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.
- Calculate the frequency response of the following
circuit. Ensure you show your clear hand calculations.
- What can you neglect to simplify the calculation?
- Does the circuit work if you remove the 100k? Why
or why not?
- Does the 100k have much of an effect on the
frequency response?
- Verify your calculations with experimental results.
- Show, at the unity-gain frequency of the
integrator, that the input and the output have the same peak values.
- Is the phase shift between the input and the output
what you expect? Why or why not?

- Next, design, simulate, and build a square-wave to triangle
wave generation circuit.
- Assume the input/output frequency is 10 kHz and the output
ramp must swing from 1 to 4 V centered around 2.5 V.
- Show all calculations and discuss the trade-offs (capacitor
and resistor values, input peak, min, and average, etc.)
that your html lab report includes your name, the date, and your email
address at the beginning of the report (the top of the
finished backup your work.