Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Author: Matthew Weishaar

Date: September 8, 2021 


Lab description and goals:

In this lab we will recreate the DAC we made last week using nwell resistors.



Back up all my work and review Tutorial 1.



In this lab, we will be recreating our DAC from last lab:
2R_R                                                                                   DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)                                                                                     
These will be recreated using 10k nwell resistors that were created in Tutorial 1.


 10.21k is close enough to 10k because resistors are not normally exact. As long as we were not too far off then the resistors should work fine.
First, we start where we started in the previous lab, by creating the 2R_R, but with nwell resistors and using metal1 where wires would be used. We also have to remember to use pins to label and define which part of this circuit is which.

Now that we have our 2R_R created, we can keep instantiating it to create whatever size DAC we need. After adding the resistor on the bottom to ensure the bottom is 2R, I connect the resistor and work on connecting each 2R_R one at a time to ensure everything is connected correctly with good spacing.

In this lab copying was key in order to make sure each and every 2R_R was equal length from one another and weren't too close. It was also important so I didn't have to recreate the wires each and every time, making the circuit as a whole more uniform.
After we create the circuit we DRC.


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