Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Michael Velasquez,


September 8th, 2021


Lab description: Layout of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)



The prelab consisted of working through Cadence Tutorial 1, which taught students how to create and layout a voltage divider. 

To start off, students were to calculate the length and width of the n-well resistor. Our sheet resistance for the metal used is 800 ohms per square. so in order to get a 10k resitor with a width of 0.36um (per DRC) we use the equation:

(10k)= ((800)*(0.36u))/L

which left our length to be 56.1 um after meeting the design rules constraints.

After creating a new layout view within the Lab 3 library, students can draw any size rectangle using the rectangle tool (hot key R). Then by editing the properties of the rectangle (hot key Q), students adjusted the size to the values calculated in the previous step.

The result of this sized rectangle is shown below.

Throughout this lab, when drawing on the layout screen it is expected that students are verifying their desing using the DRC check.

Cadence does not recognize this rectangle as a resistor, so using the RES ID layer, students must draw a rectangle of the same size and position.

In order to connect to the resistor, n-taps must be added on either side. This must be done in a way that covers the entire width of the resistor is covered. For this instance, two pins in the n-tap is sufficient.

After labeling the pins, the resistor is done and can be checked. To do so, students extracted the layout view and analyzed the resistance. It is never perfect, so if the value is a bit off that is okay.

Once a single resistor is designed, students were then instructed to create a voltage divider. The tutorial called for a 1/2 voltage divider, but for this lab students created a 2/3 voltage divider as shown below.

The final parts of the tutorial cover checking the layout design (both DRC and LVS), but this will be covered in the lab section of this report.

Lab Procedure

This lab has the students create a layout of the DAC which was created in Lab 2. The schematic is as shown below. 


To do so, students took the voltage divider created in Tutorial 1 and copied it for each bit the input contained. For this lab we have a 10-Bit input so we must copy the layout of the voltage divider 10 times.


The screenshots shown a few steps ahead of just copying and pasting. In order to connect the voltage dividers, students used metal layer 1 to create wires between desired terminals. This was done by using the same rectangle function used in the prelab. If terminals were not connected, but inputs or ouputs were needed, the same rectangle function was used. To denote whether it was an input or an output, students would select the node and edit the properties using hotkey Q. The inputs and outputs must match the schematic exactly. This will ensure that once the LVS check is ran the netlists match.

Once wires and nodes are drawn on the layout view, students created pins with the same name as the pins shown in the schematic. If names do not match, neither will the netlist. This name is especially important for the ground terminal. The schematic an layout must both be named "gnd!" which denotes a global value.

Once all wires are drawn and pins are created it is time to check the layout view. A DRC check is ran to ensure the layout view follows all the design rule constraints.

If no errors are found, students must extract the layout view.

The final check is to run LVS and compare the extracted layout and the original schematic.

After clicking run, a new window will pop up telling the user whether the LVS was completed or not.

This window does not show the full details of the matching net-lists, so students must check the output by clicking "output" shown on the Artist LVS screen shown two steps prior.

This pop shows any errors or mistakes that may have been made throughout the process.

Once the students go the netlists to match, the lab has been completed.

In my lab directory I have zipped my library under Lab 2 (as this lab was an extension of the previous lab).

Lab Directory