Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Michael Velasquez,

August 25th, 2021

Prelab Work

For this prelab, students were required to contact Dr. Baker to setup a CMOSedu account. This account allows students to edit webpages in CMOSedu's server, which is where all lab reports will be submitted. Students were also required to review the tutorial on editing webpages to ensure this lab could be completed.


Lab Description
Lab 1 taught students had students design and simulate a simple voltage divider using Cadence Virtuoso. Throughout the process, screenshots were taken showing each step which will be pasted below.

Several steps to setting up Cadence Virtuoso (completed on mobaXterm) were completed for a homework assignment prior to the lab, so several screenshots have been ommited from this lab report.

In order to launch Cadence Virtuoso, students must first ssh into the csimcluster server using the command "ssh -Y" on the mobaXterm terminal.


Once in the csimcluster servers, students must change their directory to CMOSedu (uploaded in steps completed previous to the lab) using the command"cd CMOSedu". Once completed, launching Cadence Virtuoso can be done using the command "virtuoso &".

If the CMOSedu directory was inserted correctly, the user will be greeted by these two screens. The top is the library manager, which can be used to navigate one's library and cells. The bottom logs any errors or processes encountered in the usage of Cadence Virtuoso.

To start work, students must click "file>new>library" to create a new library in which cells can be attatched to. Students then name the library, and select which existing tech library to use in this project. For this class we will be using the tech library highlighted in the screenshot below.

Once the library has been created, students can create new schematics by clicking "file>new>cell view". A pop up will appear allowing users to name and create a new schematic.

A new window will appear showing the stage for the students to create their new schematic. Creating instances allows students to insert components in which their circuit will be created from. Either the "create new instance" button can be clicked or the "I" hotkey can be used to bring up a new component window. The dropdown can be clicked to navigate which library to pull an instance from. For basic circuit components students are expected to use the "NCSU_Analog_Parts" library.

 Navigating through the folders, students will find all the neccesary components to complete this lab assignment. 

Once the correct components have been found, they can be placed onto the schematic editor by hovering over the desired location and clicking.

Often times, the components will not be placed with the right orientation so this must be fixed by selecting the desired component and clicking "R". This opens a new pop up window that allows users to rotate or flip components in many ways.

Once students rotate and move around their components, the circuit begins to take shape. While connections are missing, the circuit can now be understood by the user.

The next step is assigning values to every component of the circuit. By selecting a component and clicking "Q", a window will pop up allowing users to assign values. The screenshots below show this window for a voltage source and resistor respectively.

Connections can be made between components by clicking where each node begins and end. Students must complete this for every connection that is to be made in the circuit.

Once the circuit is completed and saving by clicking "save and check", the user will begin the simulation process. By clicking "launch>ADE L" the analog design environment will be opened, assuming no errors occured in the saving process.

Once the ADE has been opened, users choose which simulation they would like to run by clicking "Analyses>Choices".

In the window shown below, users click which simulation they wish to run. For this lab, students used a transient simulation which required a time for the simulation to run. One second was used for this circuit, but any time can be used as the circuit is running on direct current.

Next step of the simulation is to choose which outputs and inputs will be plotted once the simulation is ran. This can be done by clicking "outputs>To Be Plotted>Select On Schematic".

Once the user returns to their schematic, the can click the inputs and outputs they wish to plot.

After returning to the ADE, students can run the simulation by clicking "Simulation>Netlist and Run".

Assuming no errors occurred, the simulation results will pop up in a new window.

With this, the first part of "Tutorial 1" and the lab has been completed.

Backing Up Files

Throughout the duration of this lab, and anytime work is being completed on Kompozer, I will regulary back up my files. To do this, I will zip the folder I am working on and emailing it to myself. This ensures that no matter what issues arise I will have a recent copy of the work completed.

Lab Directory