Lab 4 - ECE 421L 

Authored by David Pinales,

Today's 9/18/21





For this prelab, I shall be demonstrating the different tasks given for Tutorial 2:


In tutorial 2, we needed to create a layout and simulate the IV curves of a PMOS and NMOS device:


Here I have already unzipped the following Tutorial and have created a new cell view for the prelab:


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From creating an instance -> NCSU_Analog_Parts -> N_Transistors -> nmos:


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From the following picture, I have given the parameters in which:


W = 6u

L = 600n


For which then give each pin a label for the corresponding terminals.

G = Gate

D = Drain

S = Source

gnd! = global ground

Now we save, then create a symbol for the given schematic:

Create -> Cell View-> From Cell View


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To demonstrate the behavior of the created symbol of the NMOS, a simulation is given:

First, we must launch ADE L -> Setup-> Model Libraries:

Graphical user interface, application

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Graphical user interface, application

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Now we select our output variables we want to run a DC analysis on:

Outputs -> To be Plotted -> Select on Schematic, and click on the “D” pin

A screenshot of a video game

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We then proceed to the following: ADE->Tools->Parametric Analysis

Add variables = VGS

From = 0

To = 5  

Step Mode = Linear Steps

Step Size = 1

Once the set up is finished, we proceed by clicking on the Green Play Button:

Graphical user interface, text, application

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Final Simulation Results:


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Layout of the NMOS:


Now we create a new layout from the given schematic and create our new instance of the NMOS:


*NOTE*: before attempting new layout make sure the following setup for your display are the following…

Graphical user interface, application

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This will make the process much easier in getting the layout look we are going for.


We now have the following:

Treemap chart

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Following the layout, we then  Add a ptap:

A picture containing graphical user interface

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Add poly in the mix as well as our metal1, we then have the new look:


Proceeding any Further, we always must DRC to check if we have any errors, Verify -> DRC

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Graphical user interface

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Following the new layout, we then add our pins.

A picture containing graphical user interface

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Now it’s time to extract the layout Verify -> Extract.

We then have the following extracted layout:

Diagram, schematic

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From the extracted layout, Now run a LVS (Verify -> LVS) to verify the extracted and schematic work.

Graphical user interface

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Once passed, we then proceed back to the schematic so we can now display the results for the given variables through simulation result:


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PMOS Schematic/Layouts:

Now to the next task given, we proceed by forming the schematic of the PMOS:

Create instance (Keybind i) -> pmos4 component (With W=12μ and L=600n):

Diagram, schematic

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Always Check and Save!

Then once again, Create a symbol (Create - > Cellview -> From Cell View):

Graphical user interface

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Now, to create a new layout for the PMOS:

Similar to the NMOS layout except this time we will be Adding a Ntap from the following location Keybind I -> NCSU_Techlib_ami06 -> ntap


Final Layout Result: 

Graphical user interface

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Now, Extract and run the LVS for the files:


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Success! (If everything did pass) we now proceed to demonstrating the given schematics through simulations:


LAB 4:


Experiment 1:

A screenshot of a video game

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ID. v VDS of an NMOS device for VGS varying from 0 to 5 V in 1 V steps while VDS varies from 0 to 5 V in 1 mV steps.

Experiment 2:

A screenshot of a video game

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Chart, scatter chart

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A schematic for simulating ID v. VGS of an NMOS device for VDS = 100 mV where VGS varies from 0 to 2 V in 1 mV steps.



Experiment 3:


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Proceed the same as NMOS simulations(ADE L -> Setup -> Model Libraries) with the given parameters

Graphical user interface, text

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 ID v. VSD (note VSD not VDS) of a PMOS device for VSG (not VGS) varying from 0 to 5 V in 1 V steps while VSD varies from 0 to 5 V in 1 mV steps


Experiment 4:

A screenshot of a video game

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Graphical user interface

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ID v. VSG of a PMOS device for VSD = 100 mV where VSG varies from 0 to 2 V in 1 mV steps.


Experiment 5:

According to the rules of the MOSIS Layout, a bonding pad’s layout should be laid out by the given parameters:

Center layer: Probe pad (Glass) approx. = 20.4um x 20.4um

Topmost layer: Metal3

Pad/Metal Overlap: greater than 6μm


Total measurement of bonding pad: 16.35μm

Total measurement of Metal3 layer: 32.7μmx32.7μm


Creating the probe pad:

Background pattern

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Schematic of Probe pad:

A screenshot of a computer

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Symbol (Generated by schematic->create->cell view->From Cell view):

A picture containing logo

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NMOS Schematic using Probe pad:

Graphical user interface

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Now that the check passes the NMOS schematic with 4 probes, we move on to the layout.


NMOS Layout:

Before starting, look for your display options (keybind e) and set the following so the layout can run a bit smoother:

Graphical user interface, application

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A picture containing arrow

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Graphical user interface, chart

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Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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After using the probe pads created in the beginning, we now have the finished result with all our layers in place and passing a DRC and LVS!


PMOS layout with Probe Pads:

Since we already have something similar already made for the PMOS from tutorial 2, we’ll be using that layout on top of tweaking the schematic of the new PMOS.



A picture containing schematic

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Now that everything is checked and clear to go, we layout the PMOS with the probe pads we have made.


Final Layout for PMOS:


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Now that we have passed our LVS check we finalize this lab re-running experiments so check the extracted layouts:



A screenshot of a video game

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