Lab 4: IV Characteristics and Layout, NMOS and PMOS Devices
EE 421L Digital IC Design
By: David Nakasone – Email:
Assigned: September 15, 2021
Due: September 22, 2021
Lab description >>>
The PMOS and NMOS devices form CMOS devices. They
leverage the advantages and disadvantages of each transistor. These
devices are effective to manufacture and can be confidently used in a
variety of applicaitons. This is a foundational technology and will
likely play a major role in advancement for years to come.This lab uses
ON's C5 process. The 4-terminal nature of the MOSFETs is important to
consider for successful simulation.
There are two major tasks for this lab:
A) Complete and document “tutorial 2"
B) Design and simulate the devices
Part A : tutorial >>>
[ 1 ] make a symbol of the NMOS
[ 2 ] make a schematic to test the symbol
[ 3 ] DRC the NMOS layout
[ 4 ] extract the layout
[ 5 ] LVS the extracted layout
[ 6 ] inspect the failure, 4 terminals implied, but only 3 exist
[ 7 ] correct the original NMOS
[ 8 ] retry the LVS
[ 9 ] simulate the NMOS schematic
[ 10 ] simulate the NMOS extracted schematic
[ 11 ] prepare the PMOS, width is double that of the NMOS
[ 12 ] complete the PMOS schematic
[ 13 ] create a PMOS symbol from the schematic
[ 14 ] layout the PMOS, verify with DRC
[ 15 ] extract the PMOS layout
[ 16 ] confirm the PMOS layout with LVS check
[ 17 ] ensure the simulation schematic properly supplies the PMOS
[ 18 ] simulate the PMOS schematic
[ 19 ] simulated the extracted PMOS schematic
There are now a working NMOS and PMOS transistor. These
devices can be used to make the CMOS unit. Additional verification is
required during this lab.
Part B: design >>>
[ 1 ] experiment1, part 1
[ 2 ] experiment1, part 2
[ 3 ] experiment1, part 3
[ 4 ] experiment1, part 4
[ * ] before implementing the next 2 experiments, ensure the probe pad is correct:
[ ** ] make some connection modules also:
[ 5 ] experiment2, layout 6u/.6u NMOS and connect terminals to probe pads
Create a symbol to validate the layout against:
From the schematic, the symbol is created:
Verify the symbol by simulation, exact match of previous:
Ensure layout passes DRC:
Extract and ensure LVS:
Simulate the extracted layout, design success:
[ 6 ] experiment3, layout a PMOS 12u/.6u on probe pads
Create a symbol to validate the layout against:
From the schematic, the symbol is created:
Verify the symbol by simulation, exact match of previous:
Ensure layout passes DRC:
Extract and ensure LVS:
Simulate the extracted layout, design success:
This lab built the foundation of CMOS technology.
Tutorial 2 is fundamental to applications ahead.