Lab 2 – Design 10-bit  DAC (digital-to-analog converter)
EE 421L Digital IC Design

By: David Nakasone – Email:
September 1, 2021
Due: September 8, 2021

Lab description >>>

    This lab exposes the student to digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). CMOS technology provides several important implementations of these devices. Implementation is achieved with the R-2R ladder.
There are two major tasks for this lab:

    A) preparations
    B) design

Part A : preparations >>>

[ 1 ]  following the tutorial
following tutorial

[ 2 ]  theoretical behavior
relevant equations

[ 3 ] normal operation
normal operation

[ 4 ] out of range, cut-off

For lab2, we will use the simplified version, LSB (as minimum voltage to change output of ADC -> 1 LSB = V_DD / 2^10
Examining the step size, 1 LSB = 5 / 2^10 = 4.882 mV :

graph of step response

This device can represent 2^10 = 1024 unqiue values

Part B : design>>>

[ 1 ]  create the schematic following template, R = 10 kΩ
diagram of DAC

[ 2 ]  This DAC uses a ladder of R-2R resistors, create a symbol to make the schematic
building block of DAC

[ 3 ]  Create a symbol of this ladder module to build the DAC
symbol of the ladder

[ 4 ]  In a new schematic, use this symbol to complete the DAC
complete DAC
close up of top:
close up of top
close up of bottom:
close up bottom

[ 5 ]  Make a symbol of the DAC for testing
symbol of DAC

[ 6 ] Copy example "Ideal_10-bit_DAC" and remove VDD, Verfp, and Vrefm pins
example DAC copied and altered

[ 7 ]  Determine DAC output resistance by grounding all inputs and combing resistors
output resistance calculation

[ 8 ]  Determine the delay with all pins grounded except B9, C = 10 pF
The DAC:

Equivelent Circuit:
equivelent circuit

Results, as expected:
simulation results

[ 9 ]  copy "sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC" to cell "sim2_Ideal_ADC_DAC" ,
            replace DAC with your design and ensure it works

new DAC installed

Incomplete results
convergence problem

After correction (fix convergence issues by allowing more tolerance)
corrected output

Finally, check with a ramp input

[ 10 ]  drive a 10 kΩ load, the output is effectivley half the no-load condition
             this occurs because the resistor acts as a voltage divider

with 10k load


[ 11 ]  drive the purely capacitive load C = 10 pF, reduction and delay
DAC with cap load

[ 12 ]  drive a capacitive and resistive load (a super-position of the R and C individually)
             RC time constant is reduced by resistors in parallel { about 50 ns lag}


[ 13 ]  conclusions

MOSFETs tend to have low resistance. In the eveny the resistance is too high, performance will degrade. Also, a capacitive load will smooth the output voltage, potentially losing the benift of the DAC. A purely resistive load reduces output voltage by introducing the effect of a voltage divider. If the MOSFETs have significant resistance, these simulations and designs should be adjusted. In addition, inductance should be considered for some of the components used to implement the circuit. Total impedance is a very important consideration for these devices.

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