Lab 7 - EE 421L 

Author: Kaione Daniels


October 20, 2021


Lab Purpose
The purpose of Lab 7 is to introduce buses and arrays. These buses and arrays will then be used in the design of word inverters, muxes, and adders.



In the prelab, I followed tutorial 5 which went over the design and layout of a ring oscillator.

Here is the first schematic I created without the use of arrays.

Next, is the graph for the ring oscillator.


After that, I used the array functionality of cadence in order to condense the ring oscillator design.

With this new technique, the schematic looks like this.


After that, I moved onto the layout of the ring oscillator. I basically duplicated 31 inverters in a row and connected them. The finished layout is shown below.


Here is a closer view of one of the inverters with the visible pin labels.


Here's the extracted version.


Finally, I made sure that my layout was DRC and LVS clean.


With that out of the way, I finally created a symbol for the ring oscillator which is displayed below.


Here's the schematic that I used for testing the symbol.


Lastly, here's the graph that the ring oscillator produces.



For the lab, I first created an 4-bit inverter. Then, I created 8-bit input/output array of the NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gates.
After that, I created an 8-bit wide DEMUX/MUX schematic and symbol. Finally, I designed the schematic and layout for an 8-bit full-adder that utilized 6u/0.6u NMOS and PMOS devices.


4-bit Inverter
First, let's start with the 4-bit inverter.


1-bit Inverter Schematic


1-bit Inverter Symbol


4-bit Inverter Schematic


4-bit Inverter Symbol

Simulation Schematic


Based on the graph, a larger capacitance value leads to a more smooth rise and fall of the voltage.


8-bit NAND Gate     
1-bit Transistor Level Logic






8-bit NOR Gate     
1-bit Transistor Level Logic


1-bit Nor Symbol






8-bit AND Gate    




8-bit OR Gate       






Simulation of NAND, NOR, AND, inverter, and OR gates






Next, I created a demux/mux circuit.






Schematic for simulation of MUX




A mux basically chooses which input signal passes through. In the case of the one I built, when S is 1, A is outputted to Z. When Si is 1, B is outputted to Z.


Simulation of DEMUX

I added capacitors to outputs A and B to save the previous values.




The demux basically does the opposite of the MUX. Z is the input that determines the value of the outputs A and B. When S is 1, A outputs Z's value. When Si is 1, B outputs Z's value.


8bit 2 to 1 MUX


1bit MUX Schematic


1bit Symbol


8bit Schematic


8bit Symbol


Simulation Schematic


Simulation Graph

When S is 1, Z outputs A which is 0. When S is 0, Z outputs B which is 1.


8bit 2 to 1 DEMUX


Simulation Schematic




Depending on whether S is 1 or 0, that determines whether Z is written to the A output array or the B output array. When S is 1, Z is outputted to A. When S is 0, Z is outputted to B.



8-bit Full-adder

For the final portion of the lab, an 8-bit full adder will be created that is based upon the topology shown in Fig. 12.20 in Dr. Baker's Circuit Design Textbook.


1-bit Schematic

1-bit Symbol


1-bit Layout

1-bit Extracted


1-bit LVS/DRC


After completing the 1-bit full adder, I duplicated it in order to created an 8-bit full adder.


8-bit Schematic


8-bit Symbol


8-bit Layout


8-bit Layout Labels


8-bit Extracted


8-bit DRC/LVS

After creating the layout and schematic for the 8-bit full-adder, it was time to simulate it.

Simulation Schematic


Simulation Graphs


The two numbers being added are A = 11110000 and B = 11000011. The result should be Cout = 1 and S = 10110011, and this result is seen in the graphs.



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