Lab 1 - EE 421L
All students will be placing their lab reports on CMOSedu after drafting their reports in HTML. Before the first day of lab1, I acquired a CMOSedu account from Dr. Baker. Lastly, I reviewed the materials pertaining to the editing of webpages on CMOSedu.
This lab goes through a step by step guide on how to use cadence. For the first step, I logged onto the terminal via Mobaxterm.
Second, I typed cd CMOSedu in order to enter the CMOSedu directory.
Third, I typed virtuoso & in order to launch Cadence.
After launching Cadence, the library manager should appear.
This enabled me to name my library Tutorial_1. After switching to the appropriate tech library, I created the new library.
Next, I needed to instantiate a resistor. I did this by:
1. Clicking Create
2. Clicking Instance...
Alternatively, I could have hit the shortcut I in order to open the required window.
With the Add Instance window opened, I created a 10k resistor.
I placed the 10k resistor down onto the schematic.
If I wanted to change the resistor's values, I could do so by hitting the Q shortcut which opens up the objects properties.
Next, I added a gnd by hitting the I key. This brang up a window which allowed me to access the gnd.
Next, I added a voltage source by hitting the I key. This brang up a window which allowed me to access vdc.
The voltage source was placed onto the schematic.
I hit the W keybind in order to access the wire placing tool. This allowed me to link all the components.
Then, I named wires by hitting the L keybind.
I changed the voltage source value to 1V by leveraging the Q shortcut. Then, I:
1. Clicked launch
2. Clicked ADE L
This allowed me to access the analog design environment.
I ensured that the ADE was using the spectre simulator.
Then, I made sure that the analysis being performed was a transient.
I added Vin and Vout to the simulation.
I saved the state I created.
Finally, I plotted the circuit which gave me a Vin of 1V and a Vout of 0.5
No matter which field I go into, creating a backup of my work is very important. When catastrophe strikes, I rest easy knowing that all my files are kept in a safe place.