Lab 1 - EE 421L 

Author: Kaione Daniels


August 27, 2021


Lab Purpose
The purpose of Lab 1 is to introduce students to Cadence. In addition, students will be guided on how to generate and post html lab reports onto CMOSedu.



All students will be placing their lab reports on CMOSedu after drafting their reports in HTML. Before the first day of lab1, I acquired a CMOSedu account from Dr. Baker. Lastly, I reviewed the materials pertaining to the editing of webpages on CMOSedu.



This lab goes through a step by step guide on how to use cadence. For the first step, I logged onto the terminal via Mobaxterm. 

Second, I typed cd CMOSedu in order to enter the CMOSedu directory. 

Third, I typed virtuoso & in order to launch Cadence.

Cadence Start


After launching Cadence, the library manager should appear.

library window

To create a new a new library:
1. Click file
2. Click new
3. Click Library

library window


This enabled me to name my library Tutorial_1. After switching to the appropriate tech library, I created the new library.

lib window

After creating the new library, I instantiated a schematic. I did this by:
1. Clicking file
2. Clicking new
3. clicking cell view

These steps shown above led me to the screen seen below. After I clicked OK, the schematic was created.

lib window


Next, I needed to instantiate a resistor. I did this by:

1. Clicking Create

2. Clicking Instance...


Alternatively, I could have hit the shortcut I in order to open the required window.



With the Add Instance window opened, I created a 10k resistor.



I placed the 10k resistor down onto the schematic.



If I wanted to change the resistor's values, I could do so by hitting the Q shortcut which opens up the objects properties.



Next, I added a gnd by hitting the I key. This brang up a window which allowed me to access the gnd.


The gnd was then placed onto the schematic.



Next, I added a voltage source by hitting the I key. This brang up a window which allowed me to access vdc.


The voltage source was placed onto the schematic.


I hit the W keybind in order to access the wire placing tool. This allowed me to link all the components.


Then, I named wires by hitting the L keybind.

I changed the voltage source value to 1V by leveraging the Q shortcut. Then, I:

1. Clicked launch

2. Clicked ADE L


This allowed me to access the analog design environment.


I ensured that the ADE was using the spectre simulator.


Then, I made sure that the analysis being performed was a transient.


I added Vin and Vout to the simulation.


I saved the state I created.


Finally, I plotted the circuit which gave me a Vin of 1V and a Vout of 0.5


No matter which field I go into, creating a backup of my work is very important. When catastrophe strikes, I rest easy knowing that all my files are kept in a safe place.
First, I zip a copy of my lab.

Lastly, I leverage google's emailing service by sending myself the file.

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