Final Lab Project- EE 421L Fall 2020 

Authored by: Nathan Pina
Due Date (Schematics/Simulations): 11/18/20
Due Date (Layouts): 11/25/20


Lab description:

Design, layout, and simulate a digital receiver circuit that accepts a high-speed digital input signal D and Di (a differential pair connected to your circuit from, for example, a twisted pair of wires such as in an Ethernet cable). D and Di are complements so, for example, if D is 5V then Di is 0V and output = 1. Another example, when D is 1V and Di is 2V
then output = 0. At high-speeds and long distances the voltages received aren't full digital logic levels (i.e., 5V and 0V), hence the need to design, and use , a high-speed digital recevier circuit. Ideally, when D > Di the receiver outputs a 1. When D < Di the receiver outputs a 0. Base your design on the topology seen in Fig. 18.23. Try to design for high-speed and low-power. Characterize your design (in sims) and the trade-offs. For example, show that you get higher-speed if you use more energy (burn more power). See if you can get, in this 500 nm process, 250 Mbits/s (a bit width of 4 ns) with an input voltage difference of, for example, 250 mV (with D and Di swinging back and forth between 2.75V and 3V,
for one of many examples, your circuit outputs the correspondingly correct values). Note that while Fig. 18.23 shows one inverter on the output you may find, for example, that two inverters work better (at the cost of power). Use a table to summarize your design's performance.

Main Project Design:
The main design for this digital reciever is based on the designs found in "CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation", specifically figues 18.23, 18.21, and 18.17. Both the PMOS and NMOS versions of the self-biasing diff amps were createad and used in order to reduce the overall delay of the circuit and remove the offset on the output caused by the Vp and Vm inputs of the reciever. Both of the diff amps were created using the standard sizes found in the book, 6u/0.6u for the NMOS and 12u/0.6u for the PMOS. The schematics for both transistors were created seperately and then combined once there were no errors and their symbols were created. 

NMOS Schematic/Symbol

PMOS Schematic/Symbol

In additon to the two diff amps, two inverters were also included at the end of the reciever design to improve logic levels and overall output. Once all of the components were connected together (2 diff amps, 2 inverters), a  final symbol was created for simulation purposes.

Inverter Schematic/Symbol

Digital Reciever Schematic/Symbol

Digital Reciever Simulations:
The following simulations will test the effeciency of the digital reciever under various conditions. Initially, the design will be tested with no load at a frequency of 250 MHz. Once that baseline has been set various aspects of the design will be changed which includes: load size, frequency, temperature and VDD voltages. I will also be looking at the power disappation of the circuit and how it's affected by the input frequnecy.


1.) Varying Loads
Digital Reciever w/ no load, 250MHz
With no load, the reciever works as expected with the output voltage at VDD (5V) and very good logic levels.

Digital Reciever w/ 1k load, 250MHz
With a 1k load, the reciever works fairly well as the output voltage reaches about 2.5V and delay increases slightly above no load conditons.

Digital Reciever w/ 5k load, 250MHz
As the load increases to 5k, the ouput voltage increases to ~4.3V but loses some stability at its peak and has it's delay increased again.

Digital Reciever w/ 10k load, 250MHz
At 10k, the ouput voltage continues to increase to a value approaching VDD. Logic levels still remain differentiable from each other and don't seem to worsen under bigger loads.

Digital Reciever w/ 20k load, 250MHz
Finally at a 20k load, the results are similar to the previous two tests. The ouput voltage increases while still maintaining fairly good logic levels.

2.) Varying Input Frequency
The following test will measure how the circuit performs with varying input frequencies. For testing purposes, both inputs (D and Di) will always swing back and forth between 2.75V and 3V, but will have their periods changed. The load will be kept at 1k, which simulates the practical scenario in which this circuit would function under.
receriver_sim_100Mhz.JPG receriver_sim_250Mbps.JPG
Digital Reciever at 100 MHz
At 100Mhz, the cirucit functions very well. The logic levels are clearly defined and the peak output voltage in near 2.5V and stable. The bit width is 4ns or 250 Mbits/s with an input voltage difference of 250mV.

Digital Reciever at 200 MHz
At 200Mhz, the cirucit starts to decrease in stability. The logic levels and peak voltage are still well-defined but less stable with the peak being rounded rather than flat. The bit width also got shorter by decreasing to about 2.6n or ~380Mbits/s which is faster but costs the circuit stability and power consumption.

Digital Reciever at 500 MHz
Jumping up to 500Mhz, the circuit starts to lose all functionality. The logic levels are not clearly defined and the ouput voltage does not even reach 2.5V. Although this is much faster than the previous tests, the circuit will not work as intended and has reached its limit in terms of input frequnecy.

3.) Varying VDD Voltages
The following simulations will test limits of the cirucit in terms of its VDD voltage. VDD will swept from 2-5V while maintaing a 1k load and 250Mhz input frequnecy.

Digital Reciever at 5V VDD
At 5V, the circuit functions as expected like in previous simulations. This will be our baseline.

Digital Reciever at 4V VDD
At 4V, the ouput voltage starts to decrease by a significant amount. The logic levels start to become less pronounced and the waveform as a whole becomes a lot more "rounded".

Digital Reciever at 3V VDD
Once we reach 3V the circuit starts to lose most of its functionality. The ouput voltage is way below its intended target of 2.5V and the logic levels are not usable.

Digital Reciever at 2V VDD
At 2V the reciever stops working and has reached the lower limit of the VDD voltage. From these results, the ideal VDD voltage for this circuit is in the 4-5V range with anything lower requiring significant changes to the overall cirucit design.

4.) Varying Temperature
The following simulations will test limits of the cirucit in terms of its temperature. The temp will be swept from 0-100C at 25 degree increments while maintaing a 1k load and 250Mhz input frequnecy.


From the simulations above, as the temperature increases the ouput voltage of the cirucit will decrease. However, this does not significantlly change the quality of the logic levels or increase the delay time.

4.) Power Calculations at Varying Frequencies
The following simulations will measure the power dissipation of the cirucit at varying input frequencies while maintaing a 1k load. This was done using the built-in Cadence simulation tools.

Digital Reciever Power at 100Mhz

Digital Reciever Power at 200Mhz

Digital Reciever Power at 250Mhz

From the simualtions above, it is clear that as the frequnecy increases, the amount of power being dissipated also increases. Although the peak remains at about 22mW for all tests, the frequency at which this power is dissipated increases drastically.
In order reduce this, the obvious solution would be to reduce the frequency at the cost of overall cirucit speed. You could also use less inverters or improve upon the design of the diff amps  by changing the sizes of the MOSFETs used.

Main Project Design (Layouts):
The following layouts (including their DRC/LVS tests) will be shown:
 - NMOS Differential Amplifier
 - PMOS Differential Amplifier
 - Inverter
 - Digital Reciever

The NMOS/PMOS diff amps and inverter were laid out first and seperately to ensure that they DRC and LVS properly. Once they passed both tests, they were combined to form the main digital reciever layout.

Inverter (DRC and LVS layout)

NMOS Differential Amplifier (DRC and LVS layout)

PMOS Differential Amplifier (DRC and LVS layout)


Digital Reciever (DRC and LVS layout)

Final Design Directory: