Lab 2- EE 421L Fall 2020 

Authored by: Nathan Pina
Due Date: 9/9/20


Lab description:

Design of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 



In your lab report:
1) provide narrative of the steps seen above,
2) provide, and discuss, simulation results different from the above to illustrate your understanding of the ADC and DAC,
3) explain how you determine the least significant bit (LSB, the minumum voltage change on the ADC's input to see a change in the digital code B[9:0]) of the converter. Use simulations to support your understanding.

The first part of the pre-lab involved downloading the Lab 2 zip folder and unzipping it into the CMOSedu design directory. Once this was done, I made sure to define the directory in the cds.lib so that it appears in the library manager.

I opened the schematic view and proceeded to simulate the circuit at the default paramters (2.5V amplitude).


To further demonstrate my understanding of the ADC and DAC, I modified the cirucit by changing the amplitude of the input to 5mV. From the simulation, with a much lower input voltage the amount of steps the output takes is much lower when compared to the default 5V.  The height of these steps is calculated by the DAC though the least signficant bit (LSB). The LSB is the minimum change that the input can have before a change in the output can be seen and is determined with the following formula: VDD/2^n. In this case, VDD will be 5V while n is equal to 10 (based on the fact that this design is 10 bits). When calculated the LSB will be approximately 4.88mV, matching closely to the simulation.


Main Lab Work:
The main portion of this lab will involve designing a 10-bit DAC using an n-well R of 10k. Then I will take this DAC and implement it in a seperate design in conjuction with a ADC under various load conditions. The topology of the cirucit will be based on Fig. 30.14 seen below.
1.) Output Resistance of DAC
The resistance of the DAC can be determined by the combination of parallel and series resistors. Below is a diagram of the resistor combinations starting at bit 0, and will continue upwards until the last bit. In the case of this design it will stop at bit 9 and ultimately result in an output of R or 10k.


2.) Creation of DAC symbol
Instead of creating a brand new symbol for my design, I modified the preexisting schematic (Ideal_10-bit_DAC) by creating a copy of it. This can be done by  right clicking the existing cell and selecting "Copy". Rename the file to "My_Ideal_10-bit_DAC" and checking the box labeled "Copy All Views" to copy not only the schematic but the sybmol and all other realted files as well.
From here, you can start to modify the schematic to your liking and delete the unnecessary portions of the design like Vrefp and Vrefm. Below is my modified DAC design as well as the DAC being replaced in the main simulation test schematic. 

3.) Delay of DAC driving a 10pF load
The time delay of the DAC under a capacitive load of 10pF can be hand calculated using the formula td = 0.7RC, where R is the equivalent resistance of the DAC and C is the capacitance of the load. Plugging the values into the equation results in a theoretical time delay of about 70ns.


Running the simulation, we can see that capacitor begins charging at 0.5us or 500ns. At about 570ns the output reaches 1.25V, which is half the max voltage of 2.5V. The difference between these two times is 70ns, equal to the hand calculated results of the time delay formula.

4.) Main Circuit Simulations Under Various Loads
The last portion of this lab involves testing the ADC/DAC circuit under various load conditions which are as follows: no load, 10pF load only, 10k load only, and 10pf + 10k load.

No load:
Under no load conditions, the digital signal will follow the amplitude of the analog signal, similar to that of the ideal DAC in the prelab.

10pF Capacitive Load:
Under a 10pF capacitive load, the previous calculated 70ns delay starts to take affect on the output. The output voltage swing has also changed with it varying from ~0.98V to 4.1V instead of the input swing of 0V to 5V.

10k  Resistive Load:
Under a 10k resistive load, the ouput will be cut in half as the load resistance and equivalent resistance of the DAC will form a voltage divider with two 10k resistors.

10k/10pF Combination Load:
Under a 10k resistive load and 10pF capacitive load, the output will be a combination of the previous tests. The output voltage will be halved due to the voltage divider while also being delayed and having a lower voltage swing because of the capacitor.

5.)  Real Cirucit Question
In a real circuit the switches seen above (the outputs of the ADC) are implemented with transistors (MOSFETs). Discuss what happens if the resistance of the switches isn't small compared to R.
If the resistances of the switches were not small compared to R, the equivalent resistance of the DAC would be changed. Since the resistances of each bit would be higher, the resistance of the DAC would also be higher. This increase in resistance would cause a bigger voltage drop between the ADC and DAC and result in a lower output voltage.

Lab Backup
After I completed this lab, I made sure to back up all files (schematics, simulations, screenshots etc.) into a zip file and upload to my Google Drive.