Lab 7 - EE 421L Fall 2020
Authored by Abraham Lopez on 11/1/20
Lab description
The purpose of this lab was to create, using buses and arrays, schematics for word inverters, muxes,
and high-speed adders. Then taking those schematics and testing them through simulations to see how
they operate. The lab also involved laying out an 8-bit full adder.
The pre-lab involved backing up our previous lab work and then completing tutorial 5. To start off
we copied the library for tutorial 5 and renamed it tutorial 5. Then created a new cell view schematic
called ring_osc.
Next, creating the schematic for a ring oscillator using an inverter.
Symbol of oscillator
Layout of 31-stage oscillator
DRC and LVS of layout
Adding an initial condition of 0 for the simulation of the oscillator
Simulation results
Simulation of the ring oscillator
Simulation results with the extracted view
This ends the pre-lab.
Lab Procedures
1. Creating and simulating a 4-bit inverter
Creating a schematic for a 6u/6u inverter.
Making a symbol of the inverter then using it to make a 4-bit inverter schematic.
Symbol of the 4-bit inverter
Simulation schematic of the 4-bit inverter
Simulation results
at the simulation results we see the effect that a capacitative load
has on the output. Out<0> has no load and is very fast
it comes the rise and fall times of the output. Out<1> has the
largest load with 1 pF on the output and has the slowest raise and
fall times. We can conclude that the bigger the load on the output the larger the time delay for the capacitor to charge is.
2. Creating and simulating 8-bit NOR, NAND, Inverter, AND, and OR gates
Schematic of NOR gate
Symbol of NOR gate
Schematic of NAND gate
Symbol of NAND gate
Schematic of Inverter gate
Symbol of inverter gate
Schematic of AND gate
Symbol of AND gate
Schematic of OR gate
Symbol of OR gate
Schematic of 8-bit NAND gate
Symbol view of 8-bit NAND gate
Schematic of 8-bit NOR gate
Symbol of 8-bit NOR gate
Schematic of 8-bit inverter gate
Symbol of 8-bit inverter gate
Schematic of 8-bit AND gate
Symbol of 8-bit AND gate
Schematic of 8-bit OR gate
Symbol of 8-bit OR gate
Simulation of all 8-bit gates
Simulation results
3. Creating and simulating 2:1 MUX/DEMUX
Schematic of 2:1 MUX
Symbol of 2:1 MUX
Simulation of 2:1 MUX
Simulation results
The MUX works by when sending a 1 to S then the input A is outputted to Z. If S is 0, then Si is 1 then the input B
is outputted to Z.
Schematic of 2:1 MUX/DEMUX
Symbol of 2:1 MUX/DEMUX
Simulation of 2:1 MUX/DEMUX
Simulation results
The MUX/DEMUX works when S is 1 , then the input signal A propagates through A'. If S is 0, then the input signal A
propagates through B'.
4. Creating and simulating 2:1 MUX with a single select input
Schematic of 2:1 MUX with a single select input
Symbol of 2:1 MUX with a single select input
Simulation of 2:1 MUX with a single select input
Simulation results
5. Creating and simulating an 8-bit 2:1 MUX/DEMUX with single select input
Schematic of 8-bit 2:1 MUX/DEMUX with single select input
Symbol of 8-bit MUX/DEMUX with single select input
Simulation of 8-bit 2:1 MUX/DEMUX with single select input
Simulation results
6. Creating and simulating an 8-bit Full adder
First we start of by making the schematic of a full adder given by Fig. 12.20 in the CMOS book.
Symbol of full adder
Simulation of full adder
Simulation results
Layout of full adder
DRC and LVS of layout
Schematic of an 8-bit full adder
Symbol of an 8-bit full adder
Simulation of an 8-bit full adder
Simulation results
Layout of an 8-bit full adder
DRC and LVS of layout
7. Back of lab work
I zipped up a copy of lab 7 and sent it to myself via email.
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