Lab 1 - EE 421L FALL 2020


Authored by Abraham Lopez on 08/26/2020 


Lab description 

The purpose of this lab is to go over part of tutorial 1 for installing and using cadence.

The pre-lab involved requesting a cmosedu account from Dr. Baker and then reviewing material linked in the pre-lab. The material
covered how to log in using ftp and how to edit html files using KompoZer, so students can properly edit their lab reports on CMOSedu.
Lab Procedures
    1. Installation and setup of Cadence
First step was to request a cadence account from Dr. Greg and once that was completed I downloaded MobaXterm for windows.
I then logged in using ssh -Y and my password, and since it was my first time logging in I also used the command
ssh-keygen -R to update known hosts as seen from this tutorial here from Dr. Greg.
I then downloaded the 
NCSU Cadence Design Kit (CDK) version 1.6.0 beta from their website linked here.
Note: In order to actual download the file you must register for the kit, which is given by their link, then make sure
to use your university email address and you will receive an email that will let you download the file from the IP address
of the computer you received the email from.
I then uploaded the file 
NCSU-CDK-1.6.0.beta.tar to MobaXterm to my home directory
and then using the command ls -l to see the archive in my home directory. I then extracted it using the following commands:
tar -xvf NCSU-CDK-1.6.0.beta.tar and tar -xvf ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta.tar.gz
Next I made a new directory called CMOSedu using the command mkdir CMOSedu. The next part of
the tutorial involved copying the
ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/cdssetup folder into the CMOSedu folder using the
following command:
cp -a $HOME/ncsu-cdk-1.6.0.beta/cdssetup/. $HOME/CMOSedu/
Also the following files 
cdsinit, simrc, and cdsenv were renamed to .cdsinit, .simrc, and .cdsenv (Just add a period in front).
In order to continue I need to locate the Cadence built-in libraries this can be done by typing into the terminal
the following path:
Next I opened the cds.lib file in the CMOSedu directory using a text editor and added the following three lines at the
bottom of the text file.

DEFINE analogLib /share/apps/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib

DEFINE functional /share/apps/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/functional

DEFINE sbaLib /share/apps/cadence/IC615/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/sbaLib
Then the .bashrc file, in the home directory, was opened with a text editor and then the following lines were added to the bottom of the file.
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog

export CDS_LOAD_ENV=CWDElseHome

Once the lines are added I then used . .bashrc on the terminal in order to resource the file.
Next was downloading the and uploading it to the CMOSedu directory,
then typing cd CMOSedu to change the directory in the terminal then unzipping the file with the command unzip
Then to access all the examples in the folder use the command cp -a $HOME/CMOSedu/Cadence_IC61_CMOSedu/. $HOME/CMOSedu/ to copy them into the folder
and with cds_lib_IC61.txt add the 40 lines of "DEFINE CH_ ...." to the bottom of the cds.lib with a text editor in order from them to work.
Finally we start cadence by using the command virtuoso & and make sure to start in the CMOSedu directory by using cd CMOSedu
Which should cause the CIW window along with the library manager window to appear.

    2. Using Cadence to do tutorial_1
First on the library manager window create a new library by clicking File then New and select Library.
Then name the library Tutorial_1 and click "Attach to existing tech library" and select "AMI 0.60u C5N (3M, 2P, high-res)".

I also checked the cds.lib file in text editior to make sure the library is defined.

Using the tools in Cadence I created a simple voltage divider
Then I clicked Launch on the editor and selected ADE L to bring up the simulator and created a transient simulation of 1 second.
And that the wires in and out were being plotted on the simulation using "Select On Schematic" and clicking on those named wires.
Before simulating however, I clicked Setup and made sure the simulation was being done with spectre.
Once simulated the following simulation appeared same as the one in tutorial 1, hence completing the lab.
    3. Making back ups of work
For future labs I will be zipping up my lab libraries to my desktop and emailing them to myself, where I will put them under the label lab 421 work.

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