Digital Receiver

Authored by Peter Kim



Project: Design, layout, and simulate a digital receiver circuit that accepts a high-speed digital input signal D and Di (a differential pair) in C5 process. Use table to summarize your design's performance.


ex) D = 5V, Di = 0V, OUTPUT = 1

ex) D = 1V, Di = 2V, OUTPUT = 0


Design based on the parallel self-biased differential amp topology seen in Fig. 18.23 seen below.


Design goal: Design for high-speed and low-power digital receiver circuit. Characterize your design (in sims) and the trade-offs.

One good practical application for this circuit is for Ethernet cable switch. There are twisted pairs of wires inside Ethernet cable that sends differential pair of 1's and 0's from a modem. When you run Ethernet cable a long distance from the modem the signal levels drop and gets weak at the receiving end. In order to solve this problem, a digital receiver is used to regenerate the signals back to its full digital levels.  


Minimum design specification: Using C5 process, 250 Mbits/s (a bit width of 4 ns) with an input voltage difference of 250mV (D and Di swinging between 2.75V and 3V)
SpeedBit width
200 Mbits/s5 ns
250 Mbits/s4 ns
333 Mbits/s3 ns
500 Mbits/s2 ns
1 Gbit/s1 ns
C5 Model design parameter
TechnologyRnRpScale FactorCox  = C'ox* WL*(scale)^2
C5 Process switching resistances and oxide capacitances
C5 ProcessDrawnScale factorActual sizeRn,pCox,n,p
NMOS20/2300nm6μm by 0.6μm2k9fF
PMOS40/2300nm12μm by 0.6μm2k18fF
PART 1 : Schematic
Inspection of NMOS INPUT BUFFER with 6
μ/6μ MOSFETs and a inverter with 12μ/6μ MOSFETs with D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s.

Simulation Plot for
D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s:
bit width of '0'3 ns
bit width of '1'3.1ns
Setting this plot as a benchmark, we will change different parameters to see the limitation of NMOS BUFFER.

Simulation table for D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s
(note: power measured from 5ns~40ns to neglect initial charge):

Tradeoff: as you increase length of LONG L (from schematic), it consumes less power but causes longer delay.
Variations of bit width of '0' and '1' gets larger as you increase length of LONG L.
Conclusion: making bottom NMOS (LONG L) weaker, increases resistance causing to consume less power but slower response.
Change in LONG LVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)Power consumption of LONG L
600nm (minimum)764ps570ps3ns3.1ns5.45 mW731 μW
3μm1.33ns544ps2.59ns3.34ns3.37 mW466 μW
6μm1.77ns640ps1.97ns3.14ns2.79 mW328 μW
9μm2.15ns687ps1.27ns3.44ns2.54 mW257 μW

Simulation table for D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um:           
Change in Bit widthVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
5n1.55ns578ps4.51ns3.4s2.90 mW
4n 1.57ns577ps2.9ns3.7ns3 mW
3n1.55ns577ps2.68ns1.69ns3.12 mW

Simulation table for D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um:   
Change in rise and fall timeVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
2ns1.73ns590ps2.63ns4.21ns2.97 mW
1ns1.57ns577ps2.9ns3.7ns3 mW
500ps1.49ns540ps2.8ns3.1ns3.01 mW

Simulation table of varying input voltage @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um: 
Change in Input rangeVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
2.75V~3V1.57ns577ps2.9ns3.7ns3 mW
1.5V~1.75V1.89ns1.17ns2.3s3.37ns2.11 mW

Temperature Sweep plot: temperature from 0°C to 100°C, you can observe that as temperature rises bit length of '1' shrink and bit length of '0' expands this is true for all input ranges and for different parameters.

From the simulation of NMOS buffer, the length of LONG L should be between 3
μm~6μm (selected 4.5μm for my design).
NMOS buffer is used for higher input signal (greater than Vthn), and PMOS buffer is used for smaller signals (close to gnd)
PMOS buffer is complementary of NMOS buffer, putting 2 buffers in parallel will cover wide range of signal.
When signal is close to gnd, NMOS buffer will shut off.
When signal is close to vdd, PMOS buffer will shut off.

Base circuit based on topology seen in fig 18.23.

6μ/6μ MOSFETs and a inverter with 12μ/6μ MOSFETs with D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s.

Base schematic plot: note Vout does not swing to vdd, buffer needs adjustment.

DC sweep to find gain (using LT spice):

Schematic & Plot for gain using LTspice (note: 10pF and 10M load is for probe set up)

DC sweep:

Gain Plot: neglecting very low and very high signals, the lowest gain is about 40.
The minimum required voltage difference is 250mV, gain of 40 is enough to cover the voltage difference of 125mv.
Therefore, single stage buffer is adequate for my design.
However, cascading 2 or more BUFFER is desired for more robust performance (very low voltage difference) for a wide range of input signals at cost of layout space.

Probe setup: Assuming this design is to be fabricated, the design needs to drive 10pF of capacitance for probe setup for testing its operation.

Schematic of diff-amp:

Schematic of buffer

Schematic of design:

Simulation schematic:


Simulation Results:
Temperature sweep: input 2.75V~3V @ 250Mbit/s

Simulation table for D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um:           
Change in Bit widthVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
5n1.05ns1.22ns6.27ns5.85s3.71 mW
4n 1.05ns1.22ns4.9ns5.0ns3.84 mW
3n1.05ns1.23ps3.77ns4.14ns4.11 mW

Simulation table for D and Di swinging between 2.75V~3V @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um:   
Change in rise and fall timeVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
2ns1.21ns1.35ps6.1ns5.8ns3.86 mW
1ns1.05ns1.22ns4.9ns5.0ns3.84 mW
500ps988ps1.17ns4.3ns4.8ns3.95 mW

Simulation table of varying input voltage @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um:
(note that lower input didn't work, which is consistant with gain plot above)  

Change in signal rangeVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
2.75V~3V1.05ns1.22ns4.9ns5.0ns3.84 mW
1.5V~1.75V1.5ns956ps5.6s4.29ns3.78 mW

Simulation table of varying input voltage @250Mbit/s with length of Long L of 4.5 um: 
Change in VDDVplhVphlbit width '0'bit width '1'Power consumption (AVG)
5V1.05ns1.22ns4.9ns5.0ns3.84 mW
4V931ps1.83ns4.0ns6.05ns1.77 mW

Simulation with random pulse width, rise time, and sequence:

END of Part 1
PART 2: Layout
Layout & extracted view of output buffer (click for a larger image):
Output buffer cells DRC and LVS without error shown below:

Layout & extracted view of Diff-AMP (click for a larger image):
Diff Amp cells DRC and LVS without error shown below:

Layout & extracted view of Digital Receiver:
Digital Receiver cells DRC and LVS without error shown below: 

Extracted cell simulation (solid lines represent schematic view & dotted lines represent extracted view):


END of Part 2
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