Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Gabriel Gabonia,


August 26, 2020 


Lab description:



The Prelab will involve installing KompoZer and practice using its functions. Below are samples of that practice such as snipping, adding images and adding tables.




The lab will involve going through tutortial 1 for cadence which involves installing Cadence and then using it to create a voltage divider.
The first step of the lab is creating a new library for our tutorial. After creating the new library it is important to note that the DEFINE for the new library should be created at the bottom of the .cdslib file.


After creating the new library the next step is to start a new schematic and start drafting. It is also important to note the shortcut functions on the Cadence program such as I (Create a new instance), Q (edit the properties of a component) and l (Lowercase L, to Create Names for the Wires).



Finally, the last part of the tutorial is to simulate and graph what is going on in the circuit. After clicking the launch function it is noted to make sure the program is on spectre and also loading the state and changing it to cell view. After all of that is checked, the transient is set to 1 and the outputs are chosen. We run the program for the graph to appear and we can see the results of the circuit.



Another important part of the lab was learing many of the ways to backup your work and making sure it is not lost. Two methods I used are shown here.


One method is backing up an extra copy of the lab onto the desktop as well as all the images.


Another method in case of a computer outage or reset is to peridically send your work back to yourself through email. This ensures that theres a backup through the internet that can be access through different computers. 



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