Final Project - EE 421L 

Author: Armani Alvarez


November 18, 2020


Lab Project Description

·        High Speed Digital Receiver



·        Project (not a group effort, each student will turn in their own project) – design, layout, and simulate a digital receiver circuit that accepts a 

high-speed digital input signal D and Di (a differential pair connected to your circuit from, for example, a twisted pair of wires such as in an 

Ethernet cable). D and Di are complements so, for example, if D is 5V then Di is 0V and output = 1. Another example, when D is 1V and Di is 2V

then output = 0. At high-speeds and long distances the voltages received aren't full digital logic levels (i.e., 5V and 0V), hence the need to design, 

and use, a high-speed digital receiver circuit. Ideally, when D > Di the receiver outputs a 1. When D < Di the receiver outputs a 0. Base your 

design on the topology seen in Fig. 18.23. Try to design for high-speed and low-power. Characterize your design (in sims) and the trade-offs. 

For example, show that you get higher-speed if you use more energy (burn more power). See if you can get, in this 500 nm process, 250 Mbits/s

(a bit width of 4 ns) with an input voltage difference of, for example, 250 mV (with D and Di swinging back and forth between 2.75V and 3V, 

for one of many examples, your circuit outputs the correspondingly correct values). Note that while Fig. 18.23 shows one inverter on the output 

you may find, for example, that two inverters work better (at the cost of power). Use a table to summarize your design's performance.



Figure 1 – N-TYPE Self Biasing Diff Amp

Figure 2 – P-TYPE Self Biasing Diff Amp

Figure 3 – Final Schematic used in which P and N-TYPE Self Biasing Diff Amp are connected in parallel.

I decided to have two inverters in my design to give a cleaner and more precise output waveform. In exchange for

Better outputs it uses more power. 

Figure 4 – A symbol was made for the final schematic and this is the circuit that I have used to test for different parameters.

In this figure you will see the symbol made, 2 voltage pulses (two voltages swinging back and forth i.e. = 2.75V – 3V), and a VDD.


Results Table

Testing at Different Widths for PMOS and NMOS (Lengths left @ 600n)

1.   PMOS = 12u, NMOS = 6u

    Time Delay = 756ps

2.  PMOS = 6u, NMOS = 3u

    Time Delay = 769ps

3.  PMOS = 3u, NMOS = 1.5u

    Time Delay = 841ps

Conclusion about this Test: Since this project was done using the 500nm process I decided to keep the lengths of 600n (minimal length in the 500nm). To test for different delays I changed the top PMOS and the bottom NMOS of the schematic because these are the components of the ciircuit that control the circuit. I decided to test three different widths for the PMOS/NMOS that are: 12u/6u, 6u/3u, 3u/1.5u. What I concluded is that the smaller the values were than the higher the delay got. When wanting to get a faster delay we should be increasing the widths and decreasing the lengths. The sims verify this theory. I ended up choosing the 12u/6u widths for the PMOS/NMOS because I wanted my design to work very fast.  


Testing at Different Frequencies

4.  Bit Width = 4 ns

    Rise Time Delay = 761ps

5.  Bit Width = 4 ns

    Fall Time Delay = 739ps

6.  Bit Width = 2ns

    Rise Time Delay = 752ps

7.  Bit Width = 2ns

    Fall Time Delay = 747ps

8.  Bit Width = 1ns

    Rise Time Delay = 746ps

9.  Bit Width = 1ns

    Fall Time Delay = 735ps

Conclusion about this Test: I ran the 12u/6u PMOS/NMOS schematic at different bit widths which were 4ns (1 / 4ns = 250 Mbits/s), 2ns (1 / 2ns = 500 Mbits/s), 1ns (1 / 1ns = 1 Gbits/s). What I noticed about running this test is that my cicuit reacted very well to running fast frequencies. For all three frequencies the rise and fall delay times were around 700ps. In my opinion this is very well, because all of these delay times were faster than 1ns. One side note about this test is that when freqeuncy is increased the bit widths start to get more rounded.


Testing Power at Different Frequencies

10.   P_AVG = 9.005mW

     Bit Width = 4 ns






11.   P_AVG = 9.532mW

  Bit Width = 2 ns

12.   P_AVG = 10.18mW

  Bit Width = 1 ns

Conclusion about this Test: After running this test I saw that faster frequency, also means that more power is being used up. This is one of the tradeoffs of my design, is that although this circuit works very well for fast frequencies (as demonstrated above), it also uses more power. The equation that was used to figure out average power: P_AVG = VDD * I(AVG) = C(Tot) * VDD ^2 * f(clk). There are two ways on Cadence to solve for average power. The first is to plot the I(VDD) and then in the calculator use the function average and multiply by VDD. The second way is to go to results in the ADE (analog design environment) window and open the “psf” file and click and plot the pwr. Later then just avergage this number by using the average function in the calculator. I chose the latter, but both give the same results! 


Testing at different VDDs

13.   VDD = 5V

14.   VDD = 4V

15.   VDD = 3V

16.   VDD = 2V

Conclusion about this Test: I ran simulations where I changed VDD from 5V to 2V. At VDD = 5V the circuit is working fine and this will be the control of this test. As I changed the VDD to 4V we can see that the output wavefrom is reduced by one volt so instead of 0-5V, it now outputs 0-4V. For the next simulation VDD is changed to 3V and the simulation shows that the ouput is not correct now starting from 2.95V to ending up at 3V. The final sumlation run is when VDD = 2V, as the simulation shows this VDD does not work and now the output voltage does not switch at the VSP (switching points), but instead it is a constant 2V. We can conclude for this schematic that the best VDD voltage is 5. For VDD = 4V it does not output full logic level, and for VDD 3 and 2 the output is wrong.


Testing of different temperatures using parametric anaylsis

17.   0° to 100°Celsius

Conclusion about this Test: After runnning this circuit from 0° to 100°Celsius we can see that the delay increases when the temperature increases. The images above show the menu for the parametric analysis where we choose the variable “temp” and run this linearly from 0 to 100 Celsius. To show this waveform I zoomed in on the window to show how the temperature effects this circuit. 


Testing of different Vinm and Vinp


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.75V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.8V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.85V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.9V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.95V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.96V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.97V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.98V


Vin(1) = 3V

Vin(2) = 2.99V

Conclusion about this Test: The final test that I ran was having different voltage differnces between Vinm and Vinp. My conclusion is that the circuit works fine when the difference between voltages is greater than .10 V because the delays are under 1 ns and the output are still full logic levels. A voltage difference smaller than .10 V has to large of a delay which is greater than 1ns.The volatge differences of .02V and .01V do not output full logic levels. This is great that this circuit works so well, it is because we are using buffers in parallel which complementary nature results in a buffer that is robust and works over a wide range of operating voltages.




For the layouts I broke up the final circuit into two parts to make it easier for me. The first part was the N-TYPE circuit with 2 inverters attached,

The second part was the P-TYPE circuit.  I LVS’d and DRC’d the layouts for the new schematics to make sure they worked and matched. This ultimately saved me a lot of time

because for the final layout I just had to add two metal 3 wires.


N-TYPE Schematic, Layout, and LVS + DRC

Figure 5 – Schematic for the N-TYPE self-biasing diff amp connected to 2 inverters.

Figure 6 – Layout of the N-TYPE self-biasing diff amp

Figure 7 – LVS verification

Figure 8 – DRC verification


P-Type Schematic, Layout, and LVS + DRC

 Figure 9 - Schematic for the P-TYPE self-biasing diff amp

Figure 10 – Layout of the P-TYPE self-biasing diff amp

Figure 11 - LVS verification

Figure 12 - DRC verification


Final Schematic, Layout, and LVS + DRC

Figure 13 - Schematic for the cascaded self-biasing diff amp

Figure 14 – Layout of the cascaded self-biasing diff amp

Figure 15 - LVS verification

Figure 16 - DRC verification


Backing Up Work


As seen by the snips above these were the steps that I used to back up my work. First, I found the folder in my CMOSedu folder in the MobaXTerm.

After finding where the folder was, I downloaded the folder to the desktop and later sent it to a compressed zipped folder.

After making a ZIP file I uploaded them to my google drive with the date in the title.  This should complete my backup process.


This concludes the Final Project of the High Speed Digital Receiver.


Project ZIP


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