Lab 7 - EE 421 Digital Integrated Circuit Design 

Authored by Moriah Wingrove


Due: Nov 6 2019




All coursework was zipped up and backed up 

Tutorial 5 was completed:


The circuit for inverting a 4-bit word was created using 6u/0.6u NMOS and PMOS devices

Instead of using four inverters the schematic was condensed so only one inverter was used.The inveter was named using an array and a bus was used for the connections.


Symbol of 4-bit inverter


Schematic used for simulation

Spectre Simulation

The out<0> is inverted from the input. It has no capacitive load has the same delay, rise and fall times as the input. 

As the capacitive load increases so does the rise and fall times of the output.

Schematics and symbols for 8-bit input/output array


schematic for nand gate and logic symbol


schematic for 8bit nand gate and logic symbol




8bit - schematic

8bit symbol


schemctic and symbol of and gate


8bit schematic and symbol


Schematic used for simulating   

simulation results



schematic of 8bit inverter

symbol for 8bit inverter

schematic used for simulating 8bit inverter

Simulation results



8bit OR gate schematic

8bit OR symbol

2-to-1 MUX/DEMUX

schematic of MUX and symbol

schematic used for simulating MUX and DEMUX

simulation results of MUX/DEMUX  

For the MUX the output Z follows A when S is high and when S is low the output Z follows input B. When using the DEMUX the output C is the input Y when S is high and the output D is the input Y when S is low.

8bit MUX and symbol

Schematic used for simulating 8bit MUX

Simulation results of 8bit MUX

Full Adder:

Schematic of Full-Adder

symbol of full adder

Layout of full adder

Layout DRC

Layout LVS


Schematic for 8bit full adder

Symbol for 8bit full adder


Schematic used for simulating two 8bit numbers

Simulation results of adding 00001111 and 11110000 together to obtain 11111111

Complete layout of 8bit full adder

Zoomed in layout


LVS and netlist 


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