Lab 1: EE 421L

Laboratory introduction, generating/posting html lab reports, installing and using Cadence

Authored by: Kaylee Spencer


Due: 09/04/2019


Lab Description: This lab is an introduction to uploading our lab reports to, editing our webpage as well as how to install and use Cadence's basic functions.



Part 1




We start by running MobaXterm, as shown above, and then changing the directory to CMOSedu by typing "cd CMOSedu". We then type "virtuoso &" to start Cadence's Virtuoso editing tool.




Next, we created a new library named Tutorial_1, where we would be working through our lab in, by selecting File -> New -> Library. We attached the "AMI 0.60u C5N" process library and then created a new cell view named "R_div".




We then created the schematic above by using the bindkey i to add a component and the bindkey w to add wires. We set the resistor values to 10k-ohms and the voltage to 1V. I set the wire names to "in" and "out" by using the bindkey l, lowercase L.




Once we built the circuit, we were able to simulate with spectre. We first select Launch -> ADE L then once the ADE window comes up, we can choose the outputs to display. Then we select Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic and then double click on both "in" and "out" on the schematic till they are both highlighted on the left sidebar. Before we can run the simulation, we must verify the simulator is in spectre and set the analysis to tran with a stop time of 1s. Do not forget to check off the enabled box!




Finally, we press the "Check and Save" button, then "Netlist and Run." We then get the results shown above, where red is "in" and blue is "out."


Part 2




In order to ensure that I do not lose my files, I zipped up my lab file and uploaded it to my Google drive, shown above.


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