Lab 5 - ECE 421L 

Mohammad Islam,



Lab description

12u/6u inverter schematic, layout, and symbol:

12u/6u inverter DRC:

12u/6u inverter LVS:

48u/24u inverter schematic, layout, and symbol:

48u/24u inverter DRC:

48u/24u inverter LVS:

The inverters SPICE simulates with a 100 fF, 1 pF, 10 pF, and 100 pF capacitive load was setup with parameter sweep.

12u/6u inverter simulation result:

48u/24u inverter simulation result:

For the simulation result, the 48u/24u inverter has a faster response. This is due to having more inverter means to having a buffer that outputs strong highs and lows.

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