Lab 2 - ECE 421L
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Open cell sim_ideal_ADC_DAC
This cell is an ideal 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter and
Digital to Analog Converter
Here is the
I reviewed function
of the 10bit ADC and DAC and now we can run the transient response:
(Process: Launch
> ADE L > Session > Load State > Cellview
> OK)
Here is the
transient response of the schematic:
How is the
input voltage Vin, related to B[9:0] and Vout?
B[9:0] is a 10-bit binary representation of the value of
the source voltage being read from Vin. B[9:0] is a
bus, and each wire of the bus represents a bit of the 10-bit binary
representation of Vin. The ADC receives an analog input and converts that into
binary code.
Then the DAC takes that
binary code and converts it to an analog waveform, with its resolution being
based on the number of bits.
The staircase waveform is the output Vout, an analog wave.