Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Lizz Heider






Lab Intro – Generating/Posting HTML Lab Reports – Installing and Using Cadence


The first lab will go through the first part of Tutorial 1


Tutorial 1 goes over constructing a voltage divider with Cadence and simulating the outputs.


-      To place an instance (meaning a resistor, capacitor, gnd, etc) we can simply use the
key “i” and select our instances from the NCSU_Analog_Parts library

-      ALSO using “w” for wires, right click to rotate, “l” like lollipop for naming nodes
“q” for choosing the values of an instance



And YAY we created a voltage divider – level 1!



n  To simulate we Launch ADE-L {from the circuit window}

n  Verify we’re using spectre under setup > simulator

n  Analysis > Choose > Tran > 1s

n  Outputs > Select on Schematic > 1

n  We modify the thickness of the lines and the background on the output graph








I’m going to use google drive to back up my lab reports as follows:


(1)         Create a “copy” of lab folders

(2)        Upload to google drive folder

(3)        Stuff is backed up!!!