Lab 1 - EE 421L 


Authored by Adrian Angelo G Fuerte






The pre-lab consisted of emailing Dr.Baker to obtain a CMOSedu account in order to upload laboratory reports and reviewing Dr. Baker's webpage that covers the basics of html and editing webpages on his CMOSedu website.


Lab description 

This laboratory introduces us to Cadence 6.1 for chip design, layout, and simulation. For this laboratory, we are going through the first tutorial up to the 25th image in the tutorial which consists of installing Cadence and adding several files to the library so that Cadence can run properly without any problems. At the end of each lab, students are required to back up their files by creating a compressed zipped folder and send it to google drive.
First thing to be done is to log-in into MobaXterm via secure shell (ssh) to the UNLV Cadence server and change directory to CMOSedu using the cd command and then  starting cadence with the Virtuoso & command as seen in the image below


After launching Virtuoso, two windows should appear which are the Command Interpreter and the Library Manaager, the next step is to create a library called Tutorial_1 and attach the AMI 0.60u C5N process as shown in the image below.

Next, I created a new file in the Tutorial_1 library and named it R_div, and created a new a schematic of the resistive voltage divider with 10k ohm resistors and a 1V DC source as shown below

I then checked and saved the schematic to make sure that there were no errors. After confirming that everything was in order, I proceeded to simulate with spectre (Cadence's SPICE simulator) as shown in the three images below
Schematic Check                                                                        Spectre Simulation
Transient Simulation

After saving the state, I then  ran the simulation and got the in voltage (green) at 1V which is the source voltage and got the out voltage (red) at 0.5 V shown in the image below

The second part of this laboratory is to make sure that we back up our files regularly while working on them by zipping up our work and emailing it to ourselves or uploading it to google drive , dropbox, etc. For my back up files, I zipped up my files and decided to make a google drive for the class and send it to myself to ensure that if the program crashes or my files are lost. Backing up files is really important because it prevents you from losing your files in the future.

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