Lab 3 - EE 421L 

Authored by Adrian Angelo G Fuerte







For the pre-lab of this laboratory, we were tasked to back-up all of our previous work from the lab and the course. After doing that, we were to finish the rest of tutorial one, which was to create a schematic, symbol and a layout for the voltage divider and run an LVS check.









Netlist Result




Lab description


For this lab, I copied my designed 10-bit DAC from lab 2 and using the n-well to layout a 10k resistor (shown in tutorial 1), we use that n-well resistor in the layout of our DAC and verify with LVS that their netlist match.

The first step that I did for this lab is that I created a new library for lab 3 and called it "Lab3_DAC_Design" and I copied my DAC schematic and simulations from lab 2 onto my new library. Then I set-up a new layout design from my lab 3 library by selecting File-->New-->Cellview


Created New Library



After creating a new layout, I began making the resistor and the n-well layer. This was done by selecting n-well on the left side and press R and then drawing a rectangular box. At this point the n-well layer is not yet defined as a resistor and its dimensions are not yet defined. In order to determine the dimensions of the N-well and determine its length and width, we have to refer to MOSIS.  In the C5 process, lambda = 0.30um, the minimum size of the width of the n-well is 3.6 microns. To calculate the length and the width of the n-well resistor, the following equation can be used: R = (roh/t)*(L/W). Where the value of roh/t is the sheet resistance, which in C5 process is approximately 800 microns, t is the thickness which is neglected because we cannot control how thick the n-well is on Cadence. The only variables that we can control is the L (length) and W(width) of an n-well. Given that the minimum width of an n-well is 3.6microns, we can solve for the length given that we have the resistance, sheet resistance and width. For this lab I used 6 microns for width and calculated a value of 75 microns for length.




Drawing N-well


Entering dimensions of N-well: Select N-well layer ---> press Q 


After I inputted the values for the length and width of the n-well, I went ahead and added the "ntap" object which is used as a slot on both sides of the n-well resistor so that the other resistors can be connected to it. Make sure to use ntap (lowercase). This is done by pressing the instance key "I" and browsing to "NCSU_Techlib_ami06" library.  I used 2 rows and 1 column for my ntap. After doing so, I used the metal 1 layer to connect the two slots of the ntap on both sides of the resistor.  Then I pressed "E" to bring out the display controls and made sure to check "Pin Names" to shows pin labels and set stop to 10. Then I applied "res_id" over the body of my n-well resistor and extracted the layout of my 10k resistor to verify that it is indeed 10k.


Adding ntap




Added ntap and connected using metal 1 layer



Display Options




Added res_id



Result of my layout 



Extracted and Verified




The next step that I did is to create a layout for three 10k n-well resistor that resembles a portion of my DAC and I will be using to instantiate my final 10-bit DAC. To make sure that my schematic of three 10k resistors match the layout, I LVS'd it and got a netlist match


Three 10k resistor schematic







The next step that I did is to make a full layout of my 10-bit DAC, in order to do that I used my layout from the image above and before instantiating it, I removed the labeled pins (Left and Bot) and replaced it with labels from B9:0 (B9 to B0) to match the labels on my 10-bit DAC schematic. I made sure to stack the layout design (same X position different Y position). Shown below are the images of my 10-bit DAC layout instantiated with 10k resistors.


Full View (schematic before instantiation)



Full View (After Instantiation)




Top (Showing B:9 and Vout)



Bottom View (Added another 10k resistor before ground to fulfill the 2 10k resistor from the schematic)



 After finishing the layout, I DRC'd my 10-bit DAC and LVS'd it to make sure that there were no errors and that the netlist matches. To do the DRC, click Verify --> DRC.

To do LVS, click Verify --> LVS ---> browse schematic (put your schematic design) ----> browse extracted (put your extracted layout) ---> Run

To get the output result, after running LVS a window will open stating that the net-lists match, close that windown and then on the LVS window click Output

DRC Result




Netlist Match



Output Result




Click here to go to my final design folder of DAC:

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