Lab 1 - ECE 421L 

Authored by Jose Cortez, 

Email Address:

Lab date: Aug 28, 2019


Lab description:

In this lab we learned how to post lab assigments using html as well as the basics of using Cadence for circuit analysis.





Part 1)
After setting up MobaXterm, we should have a CMOSedu folder with a directory path which looks similar to what is shown below.

CMOSedu directory contents and path


Through MobaXterm, open Virtuoso by typing "virtuoso &" (without the parenthesis). The image below is what should appear.
first virtuoso window
Then in the small window, click on tools > Library Manager to bring up the window shown below.
library manager
Follow the Lab 1 circuit instructions and you should have results as shown below.
lab results

Part 2)
After creating lab reports, I will save my work in a google drive as shown below.
google drive



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