Lab 1 - EE 421L - FALL 2019

Layout and simulation of a resistive voltage divider 

Authored by John Patrick Buen




Lab description

This lab will cover the preliminary parts of tutorial 1 for Cadence (up to the 25th image). For this lab, it is only required to complete up to 

the transient analysis and simulation of the resistive voltage divider circuit (without layering and the use of symbols). The other purpose of this lab is to set up Cadence for the use of ON's C5 process. 



I have requested and acquired a CMOSedu account.





First things first, sign into MobaXterm, cd into the CMOSedu directory, and run Cadence using the command 'virtuoso &'




Before designing the circuit, a new library must be created naming it "Tutorial_1." To create a new library, you have to go to the Library Manager window and go to Files->New->Library. 

After that you attach the AMI 0.60u C5N process. The newly created library should be listed as shown below.




Here is the newly defined library within the cds.lib file in the CMOSedu directory.




Create a schematic of the resistive voltage divider with 10k Ohm resistors and 

a 1V voltage source. (image of schematic is shown below)




The resulting voltage for the output (the 'out' node labeled in this schematic) is 

0.5V. This is shown through simulation using spectre and transient analysis. 





img8.PNG img9.PNG


The transient analysis shows the input ('in' node) voltage = 1V and output ('out' node) voltage = 0.5V


Note:  Before simulating, it is important to select the outputs to plot. On the ADE L Launch window, select Outputs->To Be Plotted->Select On Schematic

          This allows the user to choose the nodes on the schematic to plot for the simulation. As seen below, I chose to plot the input and output voltages.





My routine for regular backups of my files (just in case my files are lost)


                1. Compress (into a zip file) the lab file that was recently created


                2. Move and save the zip file into my personal Google Drive or DropBox etc.. 

                    (in this case, I made a new file on Drive ("ee421 backup files") and dragged the zip file into the newly created file on Drive)




Backing up files is really important just in case something goes wrong with the files that have just been created while doing a lab report (aka files get lost).

At home, I will be able to access these files after they are uncompressed and reupload them to this webpage.



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