Lab 7 - ECE 421L
Make an equivalent, more concise, schematic by instantiating an inverter and naming the inverter using an arrayed name (I0<3:0> see image below).
Connect a wide-wire (bus) as seen below and connect it to input and output pins. Create a symbol for the schematic.
Cmos inverter, 4 bit inverter schematic, and 4 bit inverter symbol
Step 2: Using this symbol create a simulation schematic. All four inverters' inputs are tied together to an input pulse source.
The out<0> is not connected to a load while out<3> is connected to a 100fF load.
The out<1> is connected to a 1 pF load while out<2> is connected to a 500 fF load.
It is show below how a capacitive load influences the delay and rise/fall times.
Based from the simulation output, we can see as the capacitive load increases on the output, the delay RC rise/fall increases.
increase in time is not ideal for digital logic gates since we want our
states to change from vdd to ground or ground to vdd instantaneously.
Step 3: Create schematics and symbols for an 8-bit input/output array of: NAND, AND, NOR, OR, and inverter gates.
8-bit schematic, symbol, and CMOS cercuit of NAND gate
8-bit schematic, symbol, and CMOS cercuit of OR gate
Step 3: Next examine the schematic of a 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX (and create the symbol).
Simulate the operation of this circuit using Spectre and explain how it works.
Make sure to show, using simulations, how the circuit can be used for both multiplexing and de-multiplexing.
MUX/DEMUX Schematic, MUX/DEMUX Symbol, MUX/DEMUX Simulation Schematic, and MUX/DEMUX Simulation Output
can observe from the output simulation of the MUX that as the input
Select is '1', 'A' becomes the active input and passes the output value.
In the same context, when the Select is set to '0', 'B' becomes the active input and passes the output value of the MUX.
Therefore, the logical operation 'Z = A*S + B*Si' is a suffice logical operation.
For a DEMUX operation, instead, the output is chosen to select the input line 'A' or 'B'.
Step 4: Create an 8-bit wide word 2-to-1 DEMUX/MUX schematic and symbol.
an inverter in your design so the cell only needs one select input, S
(the complement, Si, is generated using an inverter).
Use simulations to verify the operation of your design.
8-bit MUX Operation Simulation Schematic, 8-bit MUX Operation Simulation Output, 8-bit DEMUX Operation Simulation Schematic, 8-bit DEMUX Operation Simulation Output, 8-bit DEMUX Operation Simulation Schematic, and 8-bit DEMUX Operation Simulation Output
Step 5: Finally, draft the schematic of the full-adder seen in Fig. 12.20 using 6u/0.6u devices (both PMOS and NMOS).
Create an adder symbol for this circuit (see the symbol used in lab6). Use this symbol to draft an 8-bit adder schematic and symbol.
how to label the bus so the carry out of one full-adder goes to the
carry in of another full-adder review the ring oscillator schematic
discussed in Cadence Tutorial 5. Simulate the operation of your 8-bit adder. Lay out this 8-bit adder cell. Show that your layout DRCs and LVSs correctly.
Full Adder Symbol, Full Adder (Alternative) Schematic, Full Adder (Alternative) Layout, and Full Adder (Alternative) Extraction
The following images present the DRC and LVS succession for the single Full Adder schematic/extraction.