Lab 2 - EE 421L 

Author: Dylan Wallace


Date modified: September 11, 2018


Lab Description

This lab introduces the design of a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC).

Pre-Lab objectives


  1. We will start with downloading the "" file from the EE 421L page, transferring it to MobaXterm, and unzipping the contents into ~/CMOSedu/lab2.

  2. Add the definition of the new directory into the "cds.lib" file in ~/CMOSedu.

  3. Open the schematic of "sim_Ideal_ADC_DAC". It should look like the image below:

10-bit ADC-DAC Schematic

  1. Run the simulation by launching ADE L and loading the "spectre_state1". Change the background to white, the Vin trace to a red extra thick solid line, and the Vout trace to a green thick solid line.
10-bit ADC-DAC Simulation

    Relationship Between Vin and Vout

        Vin is an analog input signal that is fed into a 10-bit ADC and then back through a DAC to get Vout. Therefore, Vout is a digital representation of Vin. Vout can be determined using the following equations:

Relationship Between Vin and Vout

   Simulations to Test Knowledge

        In order to more easily show the influence of the digital-to-analog conversion, the amplitude and offset of Vin can be changed to 20 mV. As can be seen in the image below, the stratification between LSBs is more significant at lower voltage levels:

10mV Vin Simulation

    How to Determine the Least Significant Bit (LSB)

        The least significant bit (LSB) can be determined using the equation below. For our 10-bit ADC-DAC schematic, the LSB comes to be 4.88 mV:

How to Determine the Least Significant Bit (LSB)


        If we change the amplitude and the offset to 2.44 mV each, then the size of the LSB can be demonstrated in simulation, as seen below:

Size of 1 LSB Simulation

This concludes the pre-lab work for Lab 2.

Lab objectives


    The design of our 10-bit DAC will be based on the schematic below, taken from the EE 421L lab page for Lab 2:

10-bit DAC Schematic

     Determining Resistance

            Resistance in a 10-bit DAC can be determined by evaluating the circuit looking in from the ADC outputs. The equation below shows how the two 2R resistors in parallel will create an R resistor in series with R, thus creating another 2R resistor.

Determining Resisitance

            This then cascades throughout the circuit until the end when a 2R by 2R voltage divider is formed.

     Design Documentation

            1. First we construct a single bit voltage divider as seen in the 10-bit schematic, except without the switches. We assume R = 10K. The schematic can be seen in the image below.

1-bit Voltage Divider Schematic

        2. Now we will export this schematic by creating a symbol. To do this we select Create->Cellview->From Cellview. Make sure that your pins are set in the right order and to the right sides of the sytmbol. Click OK.

1-bit Voltage Divider Symbol

        3. Next we will arrange 10 of these symbols from top-to-bottom, and create the pins and connections for each according to the 10-bit DAC schematic. It should look like the image below:

10-bit DAC Schematic

        4. Again, we will export the schematic to a symbol as in Step 2. Make sure that the bits are in the correct order (top->bottom). The symbol should look like below:

10-bit DAC Symbol

        5. Finally, we will import this symbol into the schematic for our 10-bit ADC-DAC. The final schematic will look like the image below:

10-bit ADC-DAC Schematic

        8. Edit the simulation options to be like the image below:

Simulation Options Edit

        7. Simulate the output and compare to the original DAC implementation. Output should look similar to the below image:

New DAC Symbol Output


      RC Delay (driving a load)

            The delay through the DAC can be determined using the formula shown below. After plugging in the resistor and capacitor values for the circuit, an RC delay of 70 ns is obtained.

RC Delay Formula

            We can confirm this value by simulating the circuit. Below is a schematic of the circuit. To acheive this, we apply a 5V pulse to the first bit of the DAC, and then ground the rest of the inputs.

10-bit DAC RC Delay Schematic

            The simulation of the RC delay shows that the time constant for the RC delay of the 10-bit DAC is approximately ~70 ns.

10-bit DAC RC Delay Simulation

      Resistive Load (10K)

            The following is a schematic of the 10-bit ADC-DAC when simulated with a 10K resistive load on the output.

Resistive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Schematic

        The simulation results show that the resistive load causes the output to be reduced to half of the originial output:

Resisitive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Simulation

      Capacitive Load (10 pF)

           The following is a schematic of the 10-bit ADC-DAC when simulated with a 10 pF capacitive load on the output.

Capacitive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Schematic

        The simulation results show that the capacitive load helps to smooth the output of the DAC, due to the capacitor's charge. This also causes a phase shift in the output.

Capacitive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Simulation

    Resistive & Capacitive Load

        When both the resistive and capacitive loads are applied to the output, the effects of both individual loads can be seen. Below is a schematic of the final circuit:

Resisitive Capacitive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Schematic 

        The simulation results show the effects of both the resistive and capacitive loads being applied to the output. This includes a reduced amplitude due to the resisitive load, and a smoothed and shifted waveform due to the capacitive load.

Resisitive Capacitive Load 10-bit ADC-DAC Simulation

This concludes the main content for Lab 2.

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